Jesus said in the Book of John, ‘You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.” (12:8) One can look around and see it clear. It’s also known that 3% of the people have 97% of the world’s wealth so one can infer that the rest of us are poor. I was always told that anyone who has to work to support him or herself was poor. I started wondering what Jesus meant specifically by poor and where are these poor; exactly?
Keep in mind when you venture toward something like this; your eyes will be open and what you see may surprise or sadden you. For me it was both. The poor aren’t those who lack financially; no no. It’s so much more than that. Poor in the Strong’s is afflicted (6035) which I know at some point I knew but never paid attention to. I was this time!
I started seeing it everywhere; the hearts of people. The affliction, the pain; the lack of depth in most conversations. Then became the wonder: how did we come to a place of caring more about phones than people? At what point did people become so disposable? At what point did our conversations become reports of our oh so busy pretend lives that we just simply do not ask the most basic of question: ‘how are you?’ and actually have a heart that means it?
The more conversations I listened to the more saddened it became and was so clear what Jesus was speaking about; and how really poor people were then and- now. He tells the disciples that the poor will always be among them; and that they won’t always have Him. How many of us now have Him yet are the walking poor? One may ask what’s up with that? How; how could it be so that we have traded our treasure for trash- and accepted it?
We must remove the spirit of deep sleep and ask our Father to truly open our eyes to see so that we can discern if we are the poor among them; and then rebuke it. We must start paying attention to the poor among us and now before it’s too late. We are losing too many people and simply because our society is so selfish that it just can’t begin to look beyond the next selfie.
Did you know the suicide rate for Caucasian men is at all time high? They are hated in today’s society by so many; men of other ethnicity’s and women alike. And these men alive today are not even responsible for what men hundreds of years ago did; but yet society in its unforgiving ways can’t seem to recognize that. So let’s just add to the poor among us shall we? And for what exactly? We must begin to recognize that while there are always going to be poor among us; having less poor would be more ideal than falling into the enemy trap of propaganda that only creates more.
You see; the person next to you, you know the one- who looks like everything is wonderful on the outside may just be the one poor one knife slit from death or one bullet away from leaving a family behind. You do not know and you never will if you never pay attention to the poor among you.
It is time that we put down the phones and start looking at the people. They, those precious people right next to you will reveal much if only you stop for a moment; just a moment to look. Engage. Listen. Love. You can help the poor be poor no more; simply by paying attention and recognizing that you are needed more than your phone is by others.
Adapting to Change ,
Many people believe that there is nothing new under the sun; although those are simply the words of King Solomon and nothing more. There is something new in each day; there is His grace and there is His mercy. And with that there too is the increase in capacity to love. As everything around us changes; we have choices about how we respond. And when that change is to a heart of love we all benefit.
You see; there is always change. It doesn’t matter in what way; there is. Change is everyday life. How you handle it is completely up to you. You can resist it all you like; and in the end what will it gain you? Change is there. Naomi turned Mara It is up to you to decide what you allow in your heart and how you move in that change; whatever it is. Many are demonstrating that they wish to have no love and no wish for it but rather are choosing unforgiveness, resentment bitterness, pride and more. Let us move to the scripture where it reads plainly: “Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.” Proverbs 10:12. It is very telling where the hearts of people are and on this day let it be that of love. If you want radical change in your life, your family, your community, your state, your country then you must move with and in a heart turned toward love. Period.
In accepting change, know it can be challenging at various times and it mostly proves so when we look inward and focus on ourselves. There is no freedom in self or self-focus. There never has been nor will there ever be. If there were no person would ever need Jesus.
As we grasp that in order for us to move forward in change in our lives we must seek the real issue and stop focusing on the symptoms of the issue otherwise we will never change for the better. We can no longer stand up to the future focusing on the past that most of were not even alive to experience. We can no longer punish those standing next to us for what they neither were alive for to even be witness to. No. We simply cannot.
What we must do is forgive. We must claim that our love for one another is greater than the hatred we have been breeding. We must stand and say that while the past hurt we forgive it. We must if want to live. We must stand united and say that there is change today and while it may not be the change that everyone wants – it is change. And no change is not easy.
We must forgive those next to us who have walked in hatred and resentment for they know not what they do. We must forgive ourselves for what we have allowed into our hearts that have been the example others have followed. And we must recognize that until we start being the example of love- we can’t expect others to get there. We must recognize that we all have a responsibility as Christians to be obedient to God’s commands which are not minced: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30 These words begin with a heart focus on God and that is where we must turn- and stay; and for the benefit of our lives and for those of our children.
For more about growing in Christ visit
Julie Blair went from homeless to hope-filled in Christ. Her tv and radio program Living in Forgiveness airs daily to 3B worldwide.
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There has never been a moment in your life when you have not been loved. Never. Not one. While it may sound trite and simplistic in nature; the truth remains. You have been loved before the foundation of the earth. To be that love on this earth; you must love as He loved and loves you. The only solution is Love. There is no other way and until we individually and collectively grasp and live this out as reality we as a society are doomed. Again I repeat: the only solution is love. And God is love.
When we carefully examine our society we see the downfall, destruction; distraction at every facet. Families are in distress, the political climate is disastrous and the economy in despair. We need help. The only solution is love. A heart turned from the evil and wicked toward Love will be the only way in which we will survive. It is time now to allow your heart to experience Love; for there is no other way.
Please know this isn’t a feel good tickle you on Sunday message from the fluffiest of pastors. It simply is not nor can it be because if it truly were; 1) it would be preached more often, 2) it would be received, 3) our society would reflect it. But as such love is not easy. Loving others and receiving Love are the hardest things for us to grasp and as such why we are in such desperate times as we are now.
When love is examined it must be recognized that it is much beyond the waiting for one day per year to demonstrate a nice gesture of flowers that die quickly; and you are worth more than that anyway. What love is isn’t just a feeling for one day. It is a lifestyle and one that we must get if we expect to survive the next day; or even the net moment.
The Bible is written clearly in 1 John 4:7 “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”
The division and dissent among us is evident and more colorful with each passing day. One cannot claim to know God and not exhibit Love because it simply is not possible. The lack of demonstration of love reveals lack of love. Love is patient; as is God. Love is Kind; as is God. Love covers a multitude of sins; as God does. Every single facet of God represents Love and therefore; we must look in the mirror and ask the Holy Spirit to identify the areas of our lives that are not reflecting who we are, what we are; why we are so that we can become all of what was purposed to be done in us, to us and through us; by Love. It is only through that heart change toward love that we will experience any change and hope for our future.
It starts with you; it starts with me. Blaming others for their ignorance won’t change it. Sharing negative comments about idiocy only furthers the agenda. Getting involved with gossip and dissent only breeds it. Titus 3:1-2 reads for us to ‘Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.” Notice it does not say some times or some people. No. It is very clear always and everyone; which makes sense that God who is Love would want to be represented in the same manner without discriminating. Otherwise; if there is no love how can others be brought to it?
Today is the day, now is the time and this is your moment. Be the Love that has been given freely to you. Be the change that you want. Be obedient. Be the example for others to follow. Be the one who picks up your cross and says like Isaiah ‘Send me’ and Love; for there is no other way.
To live victoriously in love and forgiveness visit
Dr. Julie is president of Julie Blair Ministries helping people live victoriously in love and forgiveness in Christ. To have her speak to your congregation or organization please visit
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As the Rio Olympics are underway; the commentators have already been known for their misogynistic thoughts yet again about the female athletes. It shouldn’t any surprise that women would be seen as less than because it’s the way of the world. Look around. Women are still objectified, put down, paid less and the list goes on so I wondered what it would be like if Jesus were an Olympics Commentator; not that He would be but still I wondered.
If Jesus were an Olympics commentator His comments would be more uplifting to the achievements of the women instead of putdowns. There would be no reference to a woman’s achievement as the responsibility of her husband. Sure one may argue that a woman is a reflection of her husband and that of course men are still superior to me as we’ve heard it all before. My best bet about Jesus is that He would surely see the sacrifice made and He would know her heart and see her as a person; and not just that she was able to break her own swimming record because of that man- that she did it because of The Man. Let’s face it: Katinka Hosszú broke the world record; her husband did not. Jesus would know that and respect that; it was Him after all who walked on water.
If Jesus were an Olympics commentator He would kindly remind people that coming against His people really would not be tolerated. Kicking His people off the bus and refusing to ride the same bus just isn’t cool so therefore; people be kind to one another and love your neighbor as yourself. After all; we are together the world in once place right? Now go do your best as your Father is watching!
If Jesus were an Olympics commentator He would share with the audience that it was a woman named Corey Cogdell-Unrein, and He would know her by her name and not her title of being a wife; who won bronze in women’s trap shooting. He may also ask those coming against her what phariseeacle church they represented and to whom they would be praying should she ever aim in their direction. Or perhaps He would console her as she cried quietly that in all her efforts she still was seen as less than because she is a woman.
If Jesus were an Olympics commentator He would celebrate the young ladies who regardless of what sport they compete in still have body image issues. He would use that time to encourage them to never give up hope, that regardless of put downs to keep moving; and that as He is for them no one can be against them. He would also remind those sitting next to Him that unless they are perfect with the perfect bodies, perfect aim; the tenacity to try; or come before Him with perfect hearts that mirrors are everywhere and that a look in one may be of benefit- and of course all would be said in love as a reminder of who they are and who He is.
And finally if Jesus were an Olympics commentator He would not be so biased to disregard the women. It was Jesus after all who went against the grain by even speaking to the woman at the well; who shared that the woman with the issue of blood was healed because of her faith. And as if we need any reminders women were with Jesus all the time; and it was women who found the empty tomb.
And so as it goes the enemy has done great destruction in creating gender laws, ideas; and perversion between men and women. Most don’t see it as they are too busy resenting men or women in all the name of fairness. That wasn’t and isn’t the way of Jesus at all. If it weren’t for Jesus I surely wouldn’t be here writing this nor would women anywhere be able to stand and testify. So instead of looking down on women why not look up to Jesus and follow Him instead.
Julie Blair is President of Julie Blair Ministries that helps people worldwide grow in Christ. To learn more about going deeper in Christ or to have Julie speak to your church or business visit
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When it comes to forgiveness; the reasons people forgive are vast. As I have counseled people one thing seems to be a common denominator for them is that they want things to go back to the way they were. They don’t understand why they aren’t reconciled. The belief was that forgiveness was the path to reconciliation. So the question for the day is does forgiveness mean reconciliation? With people. Nope. With the Lord. Yes. And this is where people get confused.
Forgiveness does not automatically mean reconciliation and for a variety of reasons that we must examine for full understanding.
1) You are not who you were before you forgave. This confuses people although it’s true. Once you forgive you are not the same person. Therefore trying to be reconciled with the person and things the way they were really is not possible. You are not who you were to go back to do what you once did.
2) You are no longer bound by former patterns, perceptions and behaviors. When you forgive you are changed which means the way you think, behave and perceive everything will be different. When you are changed internally it reflects externally. For example; before I forgave my biological mother and even my adoptive mother I had certain perceptions of each of them. Because of the level of unforgiveness I carried my thoughts and actions were grounded in that arena. Once I forgave everything changed. My thinking changed and my perception too was corrected to be in alignment with God’s Word. Not being bound by lies of the enemy changes everything; including your think which is the transformation Paul talks about in Romans 12.
3) The relationship and person (even yourself) you forgave will be different. If someone did a terrible thing to you and you forgave know that the relationship will be different. It cannot go back to what it one was and therefore; what you may find is that there were things in the relationship there all along you just chose to not pay attention to them or justify them. As such what you couldn’t see before will come to light and through that act of forgiveness the relationship will change. Now; it doesn’t mean that it won’t stay in tact or even grow as in the case of infidelity but what it does mean is that change is evident. Many marriages today can be saved if only people were more willing to forgive; truly forgive. On the other side; in any relationship the differences in it may simply mean that forgiveness was all it took for you to take the next step forward toward your new life; and one that is free and filled with forgiveness.
When I went through the process of forgiveness I didn’t know 1) what I was doing, 2) how much my life truly would change. I was reconciled with my biological mother but not my adoptive mother. Either way; I forgave and above all ensured my level of obedience to the Lord was where it should be. And this leads me to how forgiveness means reconciliation with the Lord.
When you seek the Lord and really enter into His presence and you desire to be free from the pain of the others, the past, yourself; and even what God has allowed in your life you are taking a step forward. A big bold step that many don’t venture to; even those sitting in the building on Sundays. You are seeking something bigger; higher- more precious.
As you begin to recognize that others are just as guilty as you are and that you are no different than they are you lay it all down you will find that Jesus is with you. The other thing you will find is that your forgiveness isn’t really about what ‘they’ did but about what you are doing now. When you truly see that you are guilty just by harboring that unforgiveness in the first place it changes everything. You see; they are not let off the hook for what they did- but your unforgiveness won’t let you off either.
The level of unforgiveness you choose to keep will haunt you and destroy you like the thief in the night who comes to steal everything you have; including your soul. When you let go of what you have been harboring you will be free. It’s all in Acts 3:19 where we are told to repent and seek forgiveness so that times of refreshing may come. It’s through the repentance and seeking of forgiveness that you are reconciled to the Father. You can’t be reconciled otherwise.
As you let go of what others have done to focus on what you can do you will change. Your choice to be obedient is what will change you; and God Almighty will take care of the rest. He will work on your behalf. He will make you new and whole and restored in Him. You may not have those relationships the way they once were; but they weren’t meant to stay that way.
As you forgive know you are venturing toward unchartered territory with the Lord and that many, most really; can’t go where you are. They simply can’t. You are the one seeking, you are the one knocking and asking and the Lord will answer you when you call out. You will be reconciled in relationship with Him because He is just and the blocks of unforgiveness will no longer separate. You will have your new life abounding while being transformed into who He intended the entire time. And as for the others; you can thank the Lord that He brought you through it and pray that they too would be reconciled to the Father who loves them just as much as He loves you. And you focus on the things above; your life will represent it. It will be that of love and forgiveness always regardless of anything else because you know that He is worth it.
For more about living in love and forgiveness watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ weeknights at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork.
To have Julie speak at your church or business visit
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Any relationship is for the people involved. Any relationship between a person and God is between that person and God. It is safe to include the personal relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit too for reference. When it comes to forgiveness; it is about the personal relationship that one has with God. Forgiveness will bring you closer to God while your unforgiveness will separate you from Him.
Many people spend more time trying to seek forgiveness from other people when in fact that can prove to be more disastrous in the end! In 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 it reads: “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.” (NIV) This clearly emphasizes that the relationship is between the person and God. Now when it comes to forgiveness and unforgiveness both are acts unto Him. If one seeks forgiveness only from others; then the next question must be asked: Where is God in that? By leaving Him out how then can one be fully restored and reconciled to Him? Not only this; when a person seeks forgiveness from other people only and there is no reconciliation; it can create further bondage in the end that can be painful.
How then can one be pleasing to Him when going to man for forgiveness for man alone? The next question then must be asked: does man even have full authority to wipe away the sins; especially since man is imperfect in the first place? Of course not! If someone were falling into this belief it would one of a person who follows a religion with a mediator that is not Jesus as if you have Jesus you simply do not need a man to seek forgiveness of sins from. One then must ask what would the full basis of that sin removal be? When man places more trust more in man than God and misses the responsibility to the relationship with God much is missed not only being free through seeking forgiveness but also in growth in Him. Perhaps this is why so many Believers are not walking in the full authority in Christ that they should be. Perhaps this is you. Have you mistakenly misinterpreted your relationship for religion and missed that Jesus is already speaking to you and waiting for you?
Hebrews 10:17 reveals much about God Almighty and His love for His children: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” This proves yet one more reason why forgiveness is between each person and God and not just one from one person to another only. Understand that while people make mistakes; sin is against God. Period. Why then seek forgiveness from man first and only when the sin while hurts man is against God?
If you are in a position to needing to forgive someone then it simply means that there is a harboring of unforgiveness; which is why that is between you and the Lord. It is also why Acts 3:19 is clear: ‘Repent, and seek forgiveness, so that times of refreshing may come.’ (NIV) Through seeking the Lord in repenting you will be right with Him regardless of what occurs with others. And in the end isn’t that all that matters?
For more about forgiveness and your life in Christ watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ weeknights at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork.
To have Julie speak at your church or business visit
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There is none greater that overcame than Jesus. He layed down the foundation for others to follow and at great cost. His mission was complete and in you; and now it is your turn to do the same. It is your turn to overcome evil with love and forgiveness; following in the footsteps of the Great I Am.
We know there is evil in the world and like never before. Turn on the television and it’s in the news; or even turn on a sitcom and it’s there and the dramas are filled with it. Schools are filled with even perverting our children with ungodly doctrine every chance they get; all in the name of tolerance and some idea of love that isn’t so.
As such it should not be surprised why the rates of depression, suicide, divorce, abortion, hate crimes against all people are all on the rise; even our military men and women who’ve returned home. Let’s not even get into the political arena for the evil spewing to and covering the people. It is everywhere and not just in yor backyard. But we know this; and if you don’t pay attention for it is written in 2 Tim3: 1-7
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
The good news is that while things are changing you can overcome! You see; Jesus equipped you with every single thing that you need to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. He died for you! He died so that during these times you would have a better way to live; and it is through and it is through forgiveness. There is a better way of life and it is all there just for you.
If you claim to be a follower of Christ and live like the world then you are the hypocrite the world laughs at; you are why people don’t want to become a Christian. There is no testimony or power in hate or revenge; there cannot be. Ad while it may seem like the hate and evil is prevailing rest assured the wicked and evil will experience an early death. There is no doubt. But you; not you should you choose to walk in love and forgiveness. The love and forgiveness that you give to others permeates for much longer than you realize. One only need to see Jesus to get this.
And so the question you probably are most interested in is how do you overcome evil with love and forgiveness? It’s quite simple really although it is a process and a lifestyle change. It is a choice to decide what you allow into your thoughts, your life; and your behavior. It starts with a heart turned toward Jesus. It starts with you asking for Him to increase your capacity to love; and to show you how to walk in love. It will require you to to take every thought captive to the Lord and remain focused on Him and His Kingdom and glory. It will require you to be still in the midst of the Lord at all times; for there is no other way. It will require patience like none other and an understanding that will prevail because He prevailed! He came to set the captives free- He did! And He wouldn’t have done it if He didn’t need to and if He knew you couldn’t be free. And so you overcome evil walking with Jesus knowing that there is a better way and that He is the better way; and let that not only sink in but be your thought for the day.
For more about forgiveness and walking with Christ watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ weeknights at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork.
To have Julie speak at your church or business visit
Marriage in current day society has changed from the days and time of those living in the Old Testament. Instead of parents of both the bride and groom negotiating a dowry and wedding date for their children who may or may not have ever met; people today instead do it all on their own and much to their own ignorant destruction. One only need to look at those centered in celebrity magazines with the wedded bliss that lasted barely 24 hours to get an idea of what simply does not work. It is a shame that people have moved so far from God and the plan that He most likely intended for them to rely on their emotions or feelings of the day to make the most important decision of their lives. Looks and bank accounts are what we have come to and what a shame it is!
While many may get some assistance with choosing a spouse; there still isn’t much focus on the overall picture of marriage and how to be married; or what that even means. Instead the focused trend is the ‘bride on her big day’ along with the dress, cake, honeymoon; and all the other ancillary items that make up the one day and a thirty minute ceremony; unless you are Catholic where 30 minutes is just the warm up. While there is nothing wrong with focusing on a wedding and the joyous occasion that it is; where is the groom? Much of societal trends forget that he is a vital component and many more don’t even discuss the day after the honeymooners return from their honeymoon to start their lives together. With much distraction of marriage and choice of spouse should it be any wonder that the divorce rate is higher than 50% for first time marriages and even higher at 60% for second time marriages? ( One would think that some lessons would be learned in spousal choice after a first failed marriage; however, the statistics prove otherwise. The reason for divorce is irrelevant as the fact that it is occurring is the symptomatic issue. The questions one could ask is why it’s an issue and why it’s not one that is discussed more; however, discussing it doesn’t change it from being true. The focus in this particular piece of writing isn’t about the divorce rates; common questions to ask before getting married; or the excitement of the big day. Rather; the focus here is on the perils of marrying the wrong spouse. If more people truly reflected not on how happy someone makes them feel or how they fee on that one day; or how big of a house they will live in by marrying that person and instead step back and look at themselves and the emotional connection to see the larger picture and purpose and the results of marrying that person maybe wiser choices would be made with the outcome of lower divorce rates and a happier society. There is a purpose for marriage; for you in your marriage and for your marriage. What are the answers to those questions?
The most important peril of marrying the wrong person is outlined in Jeremiah 29:11. It reads: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you, and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Many people hear this scripture and yet do not for some reason absorb the importance of it. There is a plan for each person yet most don’t know what that particular plan is! Many who follow certain man made doctrines believe that the only role of a woman is to be a wife; and serve her master otherwise known as husband. Well; the Proverbs 31 woman would clearly be out line! It only takes one to ask Jesus what that plan is if it is not known; else how can one know whether or not he/she fulfilled it on judgment day? By first building a relationship with Jesus and asking what that plan is a person will be in better position to continue forward toward marriage with the right spouse. The person God has in store will come along as you progress toward your purpose. Not only this; it will help you better identify how that new spouse would fit in your and the call God has for you. For those choosing to disregard the importance of this one step it will have drastic impact and effect.
Continuing forward with this particular scripture; if one does know the plan for his or her life and continues to marry the wrong spouse how then could that person continue to fulfill the said plan properly and to full completion? For example; if a single woman knows the plan for her life because it has been spoken to her and confirmed by others and she still chooses to marry the wrong person how can she begin to think that she will fulfill what she has been called to do? It would be almost impossible as scripture also reads that the first ministry is to family. Her new husband may not believe that she has a call or may not be as supportive as the right God-intended spouse would be. If a woman is to be submissive to her husband she has most likely lost her positional status to continue forward with what she was required to do to the full for God because of her new position under the wrong husband. This is not to say that she cannot be used by God; however, it is to say that the wrong choice in spouse will significantly inhibit her ability to do ‘all’ that she could have done if she made the right choice and not settle for less than what God intended.
For a man who chooses the wrong spouse he will be combat-ineffective for God although in different ways. His wife may instead of being supportive and moving together toward what God has called for him; be considered friendly fire. The husband then will have to work out issues with God alone which in some instances would make sense; however, would also leave him requiring and needing more help than he may otherwise. Additionally; he would have to deal with this wife being a distraction that he wouldn’t have otherwise to deal with if the right choice was made. Scripture also is clear in Matthew 18:19 that “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.” For the man who marries the wrong woman he is completely at a disadvantage in his prayer life, his relationship with and to his wife; and his responsibilities to God. One wrong choice will have impact that could cause him to suffer the rest of his life.
Being single isn’t the end of the world; it really isn’t. It gives you time to spend with the Lord becoming who He created you to be so that when He appoints that time you receive the person He planned all along. Don’t focus on what you don’t have; but Who you have- and Who you have that is right in front of you.
If you are already married thank the Lord for your spouse. Pray that the two of you are in agreement with Him and that the two of you as one will be able to complete the call on your lives as one; and that He gives each of you individually the detailed plan for your lives so that you are the witness for His Kingdom that gives Him all the glory.
For more about love and forgiveness and walking in the fullness of Christ watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ weeknights at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork.
Look around; times are changing. People are changing; the world is changing. No longer are the things that once were reality for today. Gone are the days of leaving your home or vehicle with the door unlocked. Gone are the days of most people carrying cash. Gone are the days of the votes of people counting for something. Gone are the days of people reading maps. And; gone are the days where more people went to church than left. In this day it is time to be prepared and know what your weapon of choice is. Sure you may have the Springfield .45 or the Kimber; or even that sweet AR 15 but so what? What good will it do you when you have no more ammunition? How then will you survive? You need something better, sturdier; stronger, more protective and resilient in any times. You need stronger, better, infinite in all ways. You simply need to be in relationship with Jesus Christ. And through Him; love for there is no other way.
You see; Jesus has been through it all and He came for you. For you! He came to set the captives free and the only way to be free is through Him. You may take your own path; but a good intelligent path is not the God path of wisdom. Your path may have some man-made created routes that will suffice for a time; but what about when time runs short? What then? Your relationship with Jesus will withstand the times of anything. Are you ready? Are you pursuing?
It isn’t about a ‘what if’ scenario any longer but rather a ‘how do I walk in love’ daily in Christ scenario because what if is pure extrapolation in the mind. The events are already occurring on a global scale. Russia invades, men boast; microchipping is increasing and yet the same call from Christ is still the same. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” (Luke 10:27) There is a reason why this is written. Plainly put- it is what will be your protection in any and all days; always.
As we examine where we are and where we are going; it is beyond time yet still time to love one another. We must. We must for ourselves, for our children and their children; and for the call of those who are called followers of Christ; or Believers; or Saints. It is through love in Christ that the entire world can and must be changed. It is time that each of us lay down our hate and pick up our Bibles. (and read them) It is time that we turn off the media’s focus and attention on segregation and separation and starting grow in love for that is where we all will see that none are any different. We all are the same; men, women; the same.
So it begs the question: what are you willing to do? What are you willing to fight for? A loaf of bread? A new i-phone? Or how about a changed heart in the name of Jesus that will move every mountain and break barriers that brings the experience of God to every person you encounter?
It begins with me and it begins with you. When the hearts of people are changed; everything else changes too. One need to look at Hitler and see the devastation of that change in heart or one can focus on Jesus and become more like Him and as a result; change the world one person at a time through love. And that will be the weapon that will last longer than any other weapon you could ever have in your artillery.
Forgiveness is one act and process that places a person in a position of being vulnerable. It is the one place where if you go before the person you are seeking forgiveness from; you may not know the outcome. That for many is scary! Going before the Lord to seek forgiveness too is one where many people are vulnerable and/or do not trust what the outcome will be. Therefore vulnerability of forgiveness keeps many unforgiving.
The good news is this: God’s Word never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has a plan for you life and He provides all your provisions; which means He has given you all the strength that you need to seek forgiveness- and to forgive. Your obedience in forgiving will lead to your breakthrough!
Being vulnerable is part of life; and part of forgiveness. It is one of in some ways trusting the process and trusting the outcome and too more than anything trusting God. Trusting that He is on your side, that He will never leave you nor forsake you; and that He loves you.
When you get to this place of release and acceptance that it’s ok to be vulnerable your level of love and forgiveness will change. Your heart will soften and your eyes will see the beauty they’ve missed for so long. Hearts around you will be changed and isn’t that what’s it about? A heart changed in love in Him, for Him and by Him?
You have nothing to lose by allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You don’t. You don’t have anything to lose by forgiving. But you do have everything to gain.