Many people believe that forgiveness is just something to do in passing; yet God’s Word gives us so much more. Understanding forgiveness as a type of deliverance will help you grow in Christ and live in the fullness of what He has for you. If you are wanting to expand your territory for the Lord, live in increase; be free from internal clutter there is no better way than to be delivered than by forgiving. Unforgiveness is plaguing our society and yet people recognize it not. It’s symptoms of bitterness, hatred, resentment; and turn away from the Lord are just some of the almost 40 symptoms keeping people in bondage.
I share some of my personal testimony of the years of abuse I endured and how the Lord healed and restored me and I pray in Jesus name that it helps someone else who has ever been abused; whether sexual, satanic ritual, physical, verbal, emotional, or psychological. God’s Word reigns supreme regardless of what you have gone through. While forgiving certainly was not easy; it did prove that forgiveness is a type of deliverance and because His word never returns void there is a testimony that gives Him all the glory.
Forgiveness was not something I knew much about. Sure I heard the proverbial message in various churches to ‘forgive’ but so what? What did it even mean? And why? Oh the consequences and bla bla. The more pastors and preachers that spoke the simple word the more I resented the idea and the fact that it would do anything for more. When you resent having to forgive things happen; and not those that you want.
See; the idea of me having to forgive was such a joke. I was the victim! No seriously; I was. It wasn’t made up in my mind that I was a victim I truly was- and from before I was even born. But nevertheless I was left behind as my mother went for pizza; and then just never came back. I was taken from the foster home that I loved which definitely wasn’t fair. I even tried to run away from my adoptive parents to go back to the foster home because they actually loved me. And to grow up later in life hearing ‘forgive’ just made me want to vomit and kick someone in the shins.
I was angry because it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that so many people in my life made decisions for me that I didn’t have anything to do with but that I paid the consequences for. I resented them all for it because they were living the good life and here I was; suffering day in and day out. And as a child that is an injustice.
I carried all that with me and justified it so. And I even became a Christian, sat in church and thought nothing of it. I then became baptized in the Holy Spirit and still carried it with me. I was a victim and forgiveness was really not on my radar to the full. Sure I said the words years in the past but what would there be beyond that? A ton I later learned!
What I learned was that my resentment and anger was about me. My unforgiveness was about me too. And my harboring it was all my doing. I was satisfied in keeping all bottled up; even though I was nothing but! I didn’t even know how deep it was until after the fact. And it goes something like this:
I resented what happened to me. I resented that no one cared. I even resented God for not even being there because let’s face it- if God was so loving why would He even allow it in the first place? Oh yeah I was not a happy person by any means. And I resented that. I resented the holidays and seeing families together because I didn’t have that. And I resented happiness because it was something I could not have. I resented all the pretty people in school and those that bullied me. I resented the boys who used me and I certainly resented my adoptive father who was the biggest weenie that he never stood up for me. And to top it off the fact that I had to forgive just about sent me over the edge- the edge of Resentment Road! But then things changed. And in big ways. I learned something.
I learned that resentment, unforgiveness, and anger were not something I had to keep. I learned that while I was yes the victim of much; that I chose to stay that way. God revealed to me that He is loving and that He has a plan. He revealed that my unforgiveness and resentment was keeping me in the past and not flowering in the future. And well; I resented that too because I wish someone, anyone would have told me that although I’m not sure if it would have helped.
I also learned that unforgiveness is disobedience and rebellion. I learned that God was on my side as I chose the side of forgiveness; or that of life. I started feeling hope and peace in ways unexplainable. I was being healed and delivered through each act of forgiveness and repentance of unforgiveness. My resentment was disappearing like the snow after a Colorado blizzard. What I was shown was that all I had to do was keep my eyes focused on the Lord and that He would avenge all that occurred to me. He would redeem me. He would restore all that has been lost. He would and guess what? He is! And He will do the same for you.
The bottom line is that regardless of how you feel; your obedience is what must be the focus. It is not fair that things happen or that you are a victim; but what you do about it is what will move mountains. When you live life based upon how you feel you will never get where you want to go. If you allow resentment to reign; forgiveness will too. If you allow forgiveness to reign, resentment will too. And more importantly; that separation from Jesus will too. And when I got that I didn’t ever want to be resentful and miss out on the abundance of life that God ordained for me. My prayer today in the name of Jesus is that you see the treasure that you are; that you have all that you could ever dream of and that He created you to be more than a conqueror! I pray that you don’t allow resentment to rule but rather you trade it for freedom and forgiveness. Then you taste and see the goodness of the Living God. And resentment will be a thing of the past.
It’s a funny thing what people think of one another. If you are like them you are cool; but yet the minute you aren’t well; you just aren’t so cool. As if that matters right? Your level of coolness is based upon others- while theirs of course is not.
And so in these times if you are a Christian and one with a mouth; and one not afraid of standing up for the entire Bible there will be times when people will come against you. They may call you names and guess what? It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. Those words spoken over you ‘not’ Holy Spirit commanded are really just dead words. There is no life so don’t give any life to them. When the world labels you intolerant just rejoice. Rejoice in the Lord for that it means the world knows the Word you stand on!
Stand firm on God’s Word and know that it’s ok to be intolerant. Don’t tolerate sin. Don’t tolerate anything less than God’s full word because the moment you do; your life will be changed. We can look at the change from Adam and Eve when they tolerated disobedience and idol worship. We see what David lost the moment he fell to temptation.
You are the example for someone else and right now at this very moment an answer to a prayer someone else is praying. But if you are too scared of sharing Jesus and His message, too fearful of offending others in His name- then what example are you? If you are too shy then just remove that in the name of Jesus and ask Him to give you the words- and He will. All you have to do is ask. And then share. And finally; be not ashamed of following Jesus and speaking His Words- for no weapon formed against you can come to pass. God bless you brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus. For more about growing in Christ visit
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When most people think of King David they think of Goliath, valor and a man who had a heart after God. Sure all of these things are correct and we too know that David was quick to repent. The question for today is where was King David’s Forgiveness?
In reflection of the many ups and downs of the great king there are many lessons of forgiveness placement to recognize for our own lives as we develop and mature in Christ and how forgiveness plays a part in that level of maturity.
As we examine King David we see that he fell often. How does one fall so often? It’s simple; take your eyes of the Lord. It’s no different than King Solomon; although that’s a series for another time. When David allowed his focus to be shifted from the Lord he fell. he sought forgiveness but from whom?
In the story of David and Bathsheba it was David who committed adultery before the actual act took place. He obviously lusted after her with his eyes as there is no record of his eyes turning away from what he saw. Instead we learn ‘2 One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, 3 and David sent someone to find out about her.’ (2Sam11:2-3) He did not turn away from a married woman. Additionally; he brought others into his plot of sin.
As we know David and Bathsheba had an affair, her husband was murdered and she gave birth to his child; all at the hands of the selfish ruthless king. But here is the thing that is curious: David’s forgiveness.
As we read in verse 26, “When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him. 27 After the time of mourning was over, David had her brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.” Notice that Bathsheba mourned the death of her husband and instead of being honest and confessing his sin to her; David kept quiet. Not one word to her that he was the mastermind of the murder of her husband. Do you think is she knew the truth she would have married him? Would you? If you had an affair with someone who murdered your husband and you were pregnant; would you still even want that ‘love’ child? Everything would be different and of course my best best is that King David knew. How could he not? We can then refer to Psalm 32: 3-5 where it’s clear:
When I kept silent,
my bones wasted away
through my groaning all day long.
4 For day and night
your hand was heavy on me;
my strength was sapped
as in the heat of summer.b]”
5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you
and did not cover up my iniquity.
I said, “I will confess
my transgressions to the Lord.”
And you forgave
the guilt of my sin.
When it comes to forgiveness there is no evidence that he ever went before any one person to confess his sins. In many cases people focus on James 5:16 where they believe it reads to confess your sins to others although in the King James it reads different: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” A fault is much different than a sin as being habitually late may be a fault yet not sin and so in this case David is in alignment with scripture by simply stating he sinned against the Lord and repenting and seeking forgiveness from the Lord. David clearly says it in 1 Samuel 12:13 “Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”
Any and all sin is sin and is against the Lord. Period. David grasped that. He recognized that in his heart were all the things not of God. The lust after another man’s wife, the evil and wickedness of murder, affairs, selfishness and the list goes on- all of which were against the Lord.
When it comes to forgiveness your and my sins are against the Lord which is why repentance is necessary and where forgiveness comes into play. We can learn from David what it means to ask for a clean heart and of course understand why. We can also see that King David was quick to turn his eyes and heart back toward the Lord; something that if we too are quick to recognize that our sins are against the Lord we can create that same pattern in our own lives.
So it’s really that simple. Remain focused on the Lord and when you sin it’s against God. Repent and seek forgiveness; so that times of refreshing may come. They did for David so take heart that they will for you too.
Today’s Scripture
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Forgiveness Tip #14
Forgiveness reveals your character. Let it shine the light of the Lord.
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As society has made everything about self; forgiveness has been in the mix too. Many people prescribe or even advertise forgiveness as just the next feel good method; all about self. Forgive so that you feel better. Forgive so that you can move on. Forgive. Forgive so that you can this or that. What most don’t recognize though is that the purest forgiveness isn’t about you. No. Forgiveness isn’t about you.
Our society has misplaced what is right and wrong, what is moral and immoral and it’s become all about self-pleasure, self-indulgence and self-righteousness. And forgiveness will help you continue to live in that smell of euphoria. But lets get real: Forgiveness isn’t about self. it’s about overcoming self! And therein lies the reason why so many aren’t getting it. Let me explain what forgiveness is truly about:
1-Forgiveness is about your obedience to Christ. Period. When you make forgiveness about you where is God in that? If it were all about you then you truly would not need Jesus as your savior. You would be your own God as many believe they are.
We as a society have the motives entirely wrong. Forgiving just so you can feel better isn’t what it is about at all! It’s so much bigger than you. It’s about the Jesus who died so that you could be free! Your obedience to His Word is the only way to become free. And you don’t need any type of drug to be free. Your freedom is the free gift with purchase; of His blood. With this said; you will feel better when you forgive although that is merely a benefit of the act of obedience in forgiving and not the reason that you should forgive.
Remember that the Lord knows the purity of your heart; He knows your motives. Are your motives just doing something to get something? That is works based and no different than the message of the Law and what the Pharisees followed. If your heart is after Jesus and your heart is focused on being obedient regardless of the cost then forgiving is just part of that. As you enter the process of forgiveness you will experience that you are stronger than you think because your motivating factor will be obedience working for you instead of your emotions and feelings working against you.
2. Forgiveness is about overcoming yourself through your obedience to Christ. It’s hard in a society to recognize that we really are that self-absorbed but if you look around closely you will see it. The good news is that it is possible to overcome yourself and even more possible to live in the rewards of it! In revelation 3:21 it tells us, ‘To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.’ Now we know that Jesus overcame death on the cross and that it was His obedience that led the way.
We are no different and our obedience to Christ above all is what we must get. It is clear that our society and even many church sermons have dumb downed the messages in recent decades to preach whatever the people want to hear; whatever makes them feel good and tithe more. In doing so we have lost souls because the severity of God’s Word means nothing. Repentance means nothing and what has been celebrated instead is that Jesus approves of everyone doing everything; regardless of it is sin or not. We can’t continue to send this deceitful message because it will only prove to kill more than it already has.
When we get that forgiveness is a command and that in forgiving we are demonstrating that we are overcoming the pain, the past; the whatever life has brought to overcome by obedience to Him. We in essence are not allowing unforgiveness to rule and justify our sinful behavior while focusing on everything else other than Jesus Christ. We are instead going to see the larger picture of life and what it really means when it is written that He came to set the captives free that we are free indeed. In order to stay that way and live as an overcomer though will require obedience above all. And remember that obedience; is worth more than sacrifice. And you are worth giving that to the Almighty.
Today’s Scripture
Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Forgiveness Tip #13
Forgiveness is about your level of obedience to Christ.
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Forgiveness is one of those things that many talk about; but don’t apply. It’s turned into one of those little motivational quotes images seen throughout social media. It’s just oh so sweet like apple pie but let’s get real. There is a real side to forgiveness and it’s time that we as a society stop placating it and get with the reality of what forgiveness is. There is a truthful side to forgiveness. The truthful side of forgiveness is what most don’t talk about and for a variety of reasons.
The truthful side of forgiveness is what must be examined otherwise what’s the point? What is the point of one more blog that just says ‘oh brother and sister forgive’? You already know that! It’s been preached for how many decades yet still believers tend to skip that part and then wonder whey they are broke, busted and distrusted or disgusted. It’s seriously time to stop with the sweet usery of God’s Word and start understanding the reality of the truth of it to the full along with the consequences of just disregarding it because you just don’t feel so good about doing that today. Oh yes is that not for today either? Forgiveness is and it’s time to we get it and start living as overcomers otherwise Christians worldwide will be more of a laughing stock than we already are.
So what is the real side of forgiveness?
1- Forgiveness is a command not an option. Our society has dumbed down God’s Word to where the ‘Dummies’ guide needs a guide because of what people have made of God’s Word. Forgiveness is not a joke; it’s not an option when you just feel like it; and it certainly isn’t something to take lightly. It’s crazy how many people hear the message and then return home to their bitter lane and life and wonder where God is. Yeah- God isn’t your problem- your pure rebellion and disobedience is. God’s Word gives you everything for abundant living and forgiveness is the command to get there; oh and yes along with the first which is love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. And love your neighbor as yourself. So let’s stop mocking His Word and start taking it serious shall we and then become obedient to forgive even when we don’t want to?
2- Forgiveness isn’t about you- it’s about your obedience to God. Many people simply forgive so they fell better which sounds oh so holy and noble right? Oh yes ‘I wanted to lose weight so I forgave’. Sure. I get it. It is what happens when you forgive although that is a purely selfish motive in the big scheme of things. The scientists of today propagate all the health reasons to forgive but yet they miss the entire point which takes me back to #1. It’s a command. So therefore if you are only forgiving just because you want to feel better well then good for you. You just showed the Lord your motives and how do you think that makes Him feel? How would you feel? It isn’t about living under the law any more thank God! So when you go to the Lord to forgive it should be because you want to be right with Him more than you want to lose whatever weight you have gained through you active disobedience. Then you will be set free. And of course this makes sense because His Word tells us remain focused on Him and not ourselves.
3-Forgiveness is about Christ and His Kingdom- not yours. I know it’s hard to hear or read that it isn’t all about you but it’s the truth. Our society has turned life itself into a selfie and where is there room for God? When you honestly go before the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings to declare forgiveness and repent for unforgiveness you will walk away with a testimony for His Kingdom- not your own. You can’t even have forgiveness without Christ so let’s just get real about it. Without Jesus Christ in the midst of your forgiveness you are just working yourself to some form of self-glorification and don’t we already have enough of that in our society?
As you can see forgiveness isn’t a joke. It isn’t a game. Jesus didn’t die so you could go take a selfie of how great your little mind will tell you that you are. Oh no. He died for you and the life that comes through Him. There is no way to get to the Father but through Him and whether you accept that or not isn’t my issue but rather His Truth. So if you want the full life that comes with being a follower of Christ then it will require you to understand that it is because of His love for you that you are here. It is because of His selflessness that you are here. It is because of His blood that you are here. And so just mocking Him by disregarding His Word or just using it for your own glory is not going to anything but reveal what you are. And if you want it to be revealed what you are don’t you want it to be one who loves the Lord, who lives in forgiveness and one who is obedient above all regardless of cost?
Today’s Scripture
Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
Forgiveness Tip #12
Your strength to forgive will come through your obedience to Christ.
Julie Blair is President of Julie Blair Ministries and host of ‘Living in Forgiveness’ television and radio programs that airs daily to over 3 Billion people on 5 continents. To learn more about forgiveness and the love of Christ or to speak to your church or business visit
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We live in a busy and hectic society and there are times when things just get in the way. It doesn’t matter what it is it’s the fact that it is that takes the day away. If not careful; unforgiveness will be one such thing that takes the day away and if not unforgiveness then bitterness, resentment or any other joy killer. This is why in the big scheme of things forgiveness is one day at a time. It is no different than walking with the Lord; you can only do it one day at a time.
When it comes to forgiving it’s not easy; and it’s not a one time item to cross off the list forever although it would be nice. It would be nice to never have to experience life in a way that would bring a reason to need to forgive; but yet that doesn’t exist and one wouldn’t be living if this were the case. And in reality if it were that easy what really would we need Jesus for? It is Jesus that came to set us free, to deliver and to love us right where we are. If not for Him on that cross there would be no forgiveness.
And so as forgiveness goes one day at a time be encouraged that it’s something you can do and something you can do today. Be encouraged that you too can make the choice to forgive just as Jesus did. Even unto His death He asked the Father to ‘forgive them for they know not what they do’ and it’s so true with any of us today. How often do we truly know what we are doing?
As you go about your day schedule time to forgive. Schedule that alone time with the Lord with no distractions, diversions or disruptions. Go to your quiet place with Him and ask Him to reveal any internal heart clutter that needs to be removed. Ask Him to heal you of any pain from others or even yourself. Ask Him to bring you to a new place in Him. Go to Him and ask. You have everything to gain simply by going to Him. Don’t wait until Sunday as all the other 6 days in between the enemy will be hard at work. So run; don’t delay. Do it now and do it one day at a time. And then do it daily; make forgiveness your lifestyle one day at a time.
Today’s Scripture
2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
Forgiveness Tip #11
Forgiveness brings to light the still voice of the Lord.
Julie Blair is President of Julie Blair Ministries and host of ‘Living in Forgiveness’ television and radio programs that airs daily to over 3 Billion people on 5 continents. To learn more about forgiveness and the love of Christ or to speak to your church or business visit
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There are many reasons why people run from forgiving and then the are reasons people have for justification of it. It took me forgiving though to actually see it. Oh the irony! Recognize that there are reasons why people justify not forgiving and perhaps you have taken on one or a couple of these.
1. They don’t deserve it.
Whether you believe someone does or does not deserve forgiveness is not your decision or judgment call. Praise God! If it were your decision how many people would be forgiven? If it were up to others to decide your fate of forgiveness; where would you be? Imagine for a moment if God never forgave you; where would you be? In this exact situation you may be in a place that you do not want to be because you are choosing to harbor unforgiveness. Forgiveness is a command and it is not about anyone else. It is about your choice to be obedient to God’s Word for the purpose of glorifying Him.
What you believe someone else deserves is not your decision as God probably did not create you to judge the people in the universe as He is God and can handle it just fine. Sometimes we just need to grasp that reality that God can handle things and all we need to do is just be obedient and let God be God. When that reality sinks in and our obedience level increases; our relationships change and the fruit becomes more evident in our lives and the lives of others. Perhaps those people who do not deserve forgiveness may just be seeking forgiveness because they realize what they have done and as a result too of your obedience more people’s lives will change. If you never forgive and choose instead to play God you will never know. But rest assured; these words are clear in Mark 11:25, “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” (NIV) It is better to forgive regardless of what your mind will tell you so that you stay on the side of God and not that of the enemy who wants to kill you.
2. The person’s dead
A person’s life status does not change your obedience to God. God’s Word and commands are for every day and not just the days when other people are alive. It would not make sense that you would be absolved of being obedient to His Word just because someone else is not alive. That is a trap and lie from the enemy because it will cause you to justify your sin of unforgiveness and only keep you harboring it and living with the continued consequences therein.
What a person did that caused pain does not change because the person is no longer living. The person still did what the person did and for you to be free from the pain of it will require forgiveness. Remember that your obedience to the Lord is and must always remain the focus. Additionally; the person’s death itself may be something that needs to be forgiven. I remember years ago speaking with a woman who was grieving the loss of her husband who had been murdered. She was grieving as though it were yesterday and in the conversation she revealed it was 12 years prior. She was still in pain and agony and I asked her if she forgave him for dying. She had never heard of such a thing. Most people haven’t. She had forgiven the murder and that was it; but never did she know she needed to forgive her husband for dying and what she was left with to manage in her life as a result. His death cheated her and she lived like it; even though it wasn’t his fault she still was cheated in her mind.
I saw her three weeks later and she was healed and even met a wonderful man! Within 6 months she was married. She shared that she never knew how her not forgiving him for dying had such an impact on her life. As she sought the Lord she repented of harboring the unforgiveness and other symptoms and she was set free. Although her husband was no longer living; the forgiveness was for her being obedient and released from the bondage of unforgiveness.
It is a lesson that regardless of someone’s life status or even mental or physical state; we must be diligent to be obedient and remain steadfastly focused on God and His Word.
3. I can’t forgive
There is a difference in not forgiving because you do not know how and because you can’t. Not knowing does not mean you can’t it simply means you do not know how. Believing that you cannot forgive brings on other issues. Some may include:
- I’m not worth it
The guilt of sin causes many to fall into a downward spiral. The shame, embarrassment, condemnation, self-loathing; and even remorse or regret keep people in bondage. All of those are strongholds and lies from the enemy. So long as you live in a state of unworthiness and undeserving you will never experience the grace and mercy that God extends to His children. God has given you all that you need in order to forgive. His Word is clear to forgive. Why would God give a command to forgive and then want His children to believe they are not worthy of doing it and receiving what comes through it? What kind of father would that be?
I can share with you from personal experience that I did not know how to forgive myself. I found it much easier to forgive others because I could readily accept they didn’t know what they were doing. Me on the other hand; oh no. I should have known better and because I did not I was not worthy of forgiveness. What occurred though was that as I started to forgive myself I started increasing in power and it kept building. Additionally; the Lord showed me that if I see others as deserving of forgiveness and I am no different than them then how can I judge myself to a different standard? Once I understood and received that my life change. It will for you too!
- Pride of letting go
Forgiving means that you are ready to change and holding on to the pride of who you are and what you own will need to be torn down. Remember that all you are owning and harboring are things that are killing you. There are no assets in unforgiveness. Your pride may suffer a little because the life you built based upon your unforgiveness will change; however, when you walk with the Lord the changes are always better for you and best for His Kingdom. When you make the choice to get over yourself and let God deal with you in accordance with His Word everyone wins. Those around you will experience change and therefore your choice to be obedient and become the more real you is a blessing for all.
4. Fear God won’t justify me
Any fear is not of God. Some may want you to believe that there are some healthy fears; although I cannot seem to find this in the Bible. It would not make any sense for people to have fear and then attempt to trust God for justice at the same time. The oxymoronic ideologies only keep people trapped and that is certainly not of God. What I can find in the book of Psalms are wonderful words in Psalm 28:7 that read, “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.” (NIV)
When it comes to dealing with issues of forgiveness God is on your side. When you go to the Lord out of reverence and with a heart seeking Him to be obedient to His word it is pleasing to Him. When you make the choice to lay down the burden and the pain with it; know He is on your side. He will never leave you nor forsake you and as you seek Him that fear will be released from you. You will be vulnerable without a doubt although if there is anyone to be vulnerable in front of it is Jesus. I remember when I was in the process of forgiving I truly did not know the amount of unforgiveness I had nor did I know the immense pain that was evident. I was the one who suffered much torture and turmoil and was a child victim and I felt angry that I had to be the one to forgive; however, as I did the Lord revealed to me that His ways are just and because He is a just God all I had to do was be obedient and all would work out in the end.
The end was a changed heart, mind and life. The same will be for you too so long as you choose obedience. God is a just God and will protect those who seek Him for all things. Do not allow forgiveness to be what slips by.
5. It’s not fair I have to forgive
Being the person to forgive is not always easy nor may it seem fair; although ask yourself this: “Was it fair that Jesus died on the cross when He was innocent?” There are times in life when we may be judged fairly and we may be victims. While it may be painful; God’s Word does not change. The Bible simply states, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:23) (NIV) Whether or not any of us feel justified in forgiving someone does not change the command to forgive. When we get the reality that God’s Word is clear and that our focus must remain on Him then life changes.
What occurs when we have the right focus is that what others are doing will be seen as the distraction that it is. The enemy wants people to focus on the wrongs of others which simply then puts people in the point of living in vanity and not forgiveness. So long as the focus is on being the victim and with childish thoughts as to why it is not fair then the level of immaturity is revealed as well as the other symptoms.
It is best to step up like a mature Christian, focused on the forgiveness and knowing that the enemy is simply trying to bait you into a battle that you need not even fight because through forgiveness; you already have the victory.
6. Nothing will change
The idea that nothing will change when you forgive is almost laughable. Why would someone think that obedience changes nothing? It changes everything! The enemy is like a lion prowling and so long as you believe nothing will change by being obedient then the enemy sets you up for an easy but long death. Remember that the enemy never doubted God he just gets people to. So long as what people believe is a distortion of God and His Word then the enemy wins.
Believing that forgiveness does not matter will only keep you from living the full life that you were meant to live. Believing that lie is like believing that eating healthy will have no health impact. The words of Apostle Paul make it clear: ‘For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. (NASB) People know what they should do but when they do not; there are consequences. Believing that nothing will change does not mean do not do what must be done. This thinking is a distortion of the mind and will only cause more strife and separation in your life.
By getting your mind straight and taking every thought captive unto the Lord you will not only live in obedience, but also forgiveness and the abundance that God has already ordained for you.
As any person can come up with numerous reasons to not forgive; none of them are substantial enough to be upheld against God’s Word. The Word is for yesterday, today and for all the days to come. There are no discrepancies and no excuses. Yes forgiveness is a process and each person progresses through the process at varying paces; which is normal and acceptable.
When it is time to forgive; whether it is others, yourself or even God know that He has given you everything you need in order to be successful. There is nothing you cannot do without Him and He will be with you. It simply is a matter of you laying yourself down to overcome yourself and choose life; and ultimately Him for the bigger purpose for your life. While it may be a challenge take the challenge and live in forgiveness. It is worth it because what is beyond it is more than you can imagine!
Today’s Scripture
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Forgiveness Tip #10
Forgiveness isn’t about the other person; it’s about you, your obedience to Christ, your future and your freedom.
Julie Blair is President of Julie Blair Ministries and host of ‘Living in Forgiveness’ television and radio programs that airs daily to over 3 Billion people on 5 continents. To learn more about forgiveness and the love of Christ or to speak to your church or business visit
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When it comes to forgiveness there are reasons why people do not forgive. It is important to recognize that not forgiving is disastrous to your life because it creates internal hindrances that will prevent your life from progressing toward all that God has in store for you. Recognizing the excuses people have for not forgiving will help you see not only what they are; but that if you hold to any of them that you can overcome them and forgive and live in the freedom that comes with it.
- I don’t have unforgiveness issues.
Those that believe they do not have any unforgiveness in most situations do not truly know the depths of forgiveness nor do they know all of the symptoms of unforgiveness Jeremiah 17:9-10 tells us, ‘”The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? “I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.” It is wise to not rely on your own wisdom to whether or not you believe you don’t have any issues of forgiveness. A much more prudent route would be to seek the Lord and let Him show you what areas of forgiveness are evident. See; because we are all born into sin we have a biased opinion of ourselves and simply dismissing that there may be an issue of unforgiveness or its symptoms is dangerous the level of self-deception can and will destroy us. With almost 40 symptoms of unforgiveness simply dismissing that there are no issues with it without a full understanding is a slippery slope you do not want to venture on.
- I already did.
If you are like me I thought I forgave. I said the words. I had no problems saying that I said those words. And of course years ago. What must be understood is just because you say the words ‘I forgive’ does not mean anything if they are just words. This is a trap. It is a trap that I fell into for decades. I truly believed that because I said the words that it meant I was free; however, it was obvious to those who knew some of the symptoms that I had no understanding or grasp of forgiveness. Reflect for a moment before dismissing the idea that perhaps you have not forgiven. Look in the mirror and truly take an inventory before the Lord. Ask Him if you already did forgive and to the full or if you simply said the words to continue forward yet really are not going forward because you never forgave. Do not be deceived in this area as it can steal your life. If you have any anger, resentment, bitterness or feel separation from God there is a good chance that unforgiveness may too be lingering. It’s best to seek the Lord to ensure your victory and not allow yourself to live the less than what He has future as a result.
- You don’t know what they did.
The trap with the belief that what others have done is a reason to behave in a certain way is one that causes many people to fall. What other people did do, are doing, will do; or anything else has no impact or reflection on the decisions that any of us are required to make in accordance with God’s Word. Allowing the sins of others to be the controlling factor in whether or not you choose to forgive is a set up for failure. It is giving others control over your life and on purpose. It is not an escape route but rather a death sentence.
When the focus is on what other people have done it reveals that the focus 1) is not on the Lord, 2) is not on that of seeking the Lord to be living a lifestyle of obedience through forgiveness. Not only this; if you spend your time focusing on what they did with a judgmental or critical attitude then won’t you need forgiveness for that? As a result any person at any time can make the choice to focus on what someone else’s faults and sins are but why? Why not just focus on the Lord and seek Him as your refuge and judge and let Him handle it accordingly? In the end it will release you from any and all bondage and will keep you in the righteous standing with Him.
- I don’t know how
Not knowing how to forgive may sound like a reasonable reason to not forgive; but not really. The reason is that there are numerous tools available and in reality; you do not need to look any further than God’s Word which provides answers to all of mankind’s problems. If you truly want to forgive then do it. Provers 13:4 makes it clear:
“The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.” Craving peace, joy and the rest of the fruit of the spirit is one thing; obtaining it is quite another. It is not possible to achieve something you are not willing to go after. Forgiveness is and must be the lifestyle of a Believer and not knowing how to forgive may be a temporary status; although living in that status simply means you have chosen death over life which is contrary to God’s command to choose life. Learn how to forgive and then live.
- It won’t matter.
The lie that it does not matter if you forgive or not is a lie from the enemy to keep you living in bondage. Remember that anything that brings you closer to God is something that the enemy does not want. Forgiveness is obedience to God. Period. The enemy will thwart your endeavors and so long as you believe the lie you are defeated. He will temp to you to believe that forgiveness does not matter for whatever reason he wants you to believe. It does matter that you forgive. It is your life that is at stake and believing any lie that it is not relevant is as like believing that accidents never happen when people text and drive!
Whether or not you share with the person that you forgive face to face or by letter may not be as important; although forgiveness is vital. It is evident in the New Testament that it is extremely important because Jesus talked and taught about it and the Father gets angry when we choose to not forgive. Now this would make sense since it was His Son who died on the Cross for forgiveness of yours and mine sins. It matters!
Today’s Scripture
1 Corinthians 12:8-9 “Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
Forgiveness Tip #9
Forgiveness is the pathway to life restored.
Julie Blair is President of Julie Blair Ministries and host of ‘Living in Forgiveness’ television and radio programs that airs daily to over 3 Billion people on 5 continents. To learn more about forgiveness and the love of Christ or to speak to your church or business visit
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Society is changing and we must forgive there is no doubt about that. The question is if your pastor or if you are a pastor and carry a firearm does it mean you aren’t a forgiver; that you need something stronger than forgiveness? Some argue that if you live in forgiveness that that is all you need while others argue otherwise. So is your pistol packing pastor unforgiving just because he/she chooses to carry a firearm?
It’s so funny to hear people say there should be no politics in church yet one has to wonder the historical context of where that came from; especially when the Declaration of Independence itself is a religious document. Ever wonder why history is being changed so quickly and what is actually history is no more? Guns have no place in civilized society many believe which that too is a joke because it’s not about them not having them; it’s about you not having them.
When you look in history you will the puritans carried firearms to church for safety. They were Bible believing people who upheld Christian morals and values. Guns were as normal as carry the Bible. Both were needed and still are. They both too can save your life. Now safety from what or whom isn’t the question as the focus on the fact that they carried.
Generations ago pastors laid their firearms next to them on the pulpit while they preached. Now imagine that today! I personally would love venture to that on my next segment of “Living in Forgiveness” and see the response I get. And then there are those that believe that self-defense is only prayer and that even having a firearm is open season for attack; which of course perhaps is open season only by the media and its agenda. You are merely an unforgiver if you so decide to arm yourself with a firearm. How dare you be both a Christian and a firearm carrier and love your neighbor too? You extremist you! And so if you attend church do you know if your pistol packing pastor is unforgiving? Is your pastor unforgiving if he carries the latest Kimber 911? Or he is just upholding what once was the norm in history? Or is he/she more forgiving if a firearm is not present? Who decides?
The Bible is clear that we are to walk in love; it is a command. We are called to love God as it tells us in Mark 12:30-31: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” And so if you carry a firearm are you considered unforgiving or unloving or not trusting the Lord? Or are you just prepared- which too by the way is a command to be prepared in and out of season. And in today’s society every day appears to be in season when you look carefully!
As we can clearly see the church is under attack. Christianity is under attack. Christians are attacked daily. Speaking anything in the name of Jesus is under attack and walking in love of others is even under attack as Target just proved by suing a man who saved a girl from her attacker at one of their stores. Oh yes stepping in to help others is being attacked. Go figure! ( . Yet still love is the best way to be on the offense. Carrying a pistol simply prepared for defense.
And so is it possible when walking in love and living in forgiveness to carry a firearm at the same time? Find out. Don’t just judge. You may find that the next time you are in church and it’s the pastor with the pistol teaching about love and forgiveness that perhaps you will see everything from a different angle.
Today’s Scripture
Luke 11:21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe.”
Forgiveness Tip #7
Forgiveness changes your perspective.
Julie Blair is President of Julie Blair Ministries and host of ‘Living in Forgiveness’ television and radio programs that airs daily to over 3 Billion people on 5 continents. To learn more about forgiveness and the love of Christ
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