Good Monday Morning: 5 Reasons It Is!
Most people dread Mondays! It’s traffic, being late, back to the routine of life and all the other stuff that people experience. It’s all in the thought process. Mondays are good. They just are. Say it with me: “Mondays are great!” See, I knew you could do it.
Here are 5 reasons why Monday’s are great:
1- You are one step closer to your dream, vision; or goal. Last week is gone so why not celebrate Monday and have a positive attitude about it?
2- You may not be where you want to be; but you aren’t where you used to be. Most people look forward to Friday all the while missing the reality that most of what is going to get them to their ultimate dreams typically starts on Monday and ends Friday.
3- It’s the start of a new week; unless you start your week on Sunday. New beginnings are always wonderful.
4- For men: Monday night football. For women: Dancing with the Stars. I couldn’t resist.
5- If you are experiencing it it means that you are still alive. Isn’t that one reason enough?
Bottom line is that if you are constantly looking forward to any other day but the one you are experiencing you are never really experiencing life at the moment you are living. It’s time to stop focusing on the specific day and start focusing on the life you have to live!

There are three types of people in this world. It doesn’t take much to identify which you are; and of course which you want to be.
Let’s examine:
1- Those who make things happen: These are the early risers who recognize life is short and needs to be lived. These are those who don’t procrastinate, don’t hold back; and don’t let opportunity slide by. They are opportunistic, creative, assertive and visionaries. Think John Maxwell Albert Einstein, or even Phil Robertson.
2- Those who watch things happen: These are the people who tend to be more methodical although to a fault. Life is to be lived; and with this group more time spent watching things happen and less time making things happen. Some symptoms of this are analysis paralysis, indecisiveness, fear of failure or success, self-esteem issues and more. Sure there are those who may argue the point but most likely if they were trying to they would be in the category of making things happen so it’s a moot point.
3- Those who wonder what happened. It happens so quick to those who aren’t paying attention. Life goes by, the kids graduate college; and here this group of people are scratching their heads wondering what happened. It’s a shame because there is so much the world is missing from them and if only they would get it; the world could and would be a better place. Their symptoms include lack of direction, vision and purpose, fear of achieving, approval seeking, self-doubt, procrastination and others.
Which are you? Do you see yourself in more than one category or not one you want to be in? Regardless of where you are; your life is waiting for you? Go live it. Start today and make it happen in the way that only you can!
All images belong to their various owners.

It’s sport season all around. Whether you are into the NFL, MLB, or college football there is something out there for everyone who loves a game. The talk about statistics, the play Marlin’s Adeiny Hechavarria made last night against the Phillies and just winning makes for great conversation. Through it all there are people in life winning?
When we look around society as a whole who is winning? And winning what? Furthermore; is winning everything? Charlie Sheen may have his answer but is it really the real answer?
When you think of winning what does it mean to you? Is it beating your competitors every time? Or is something bigger? Perhaps you have not ever thought about it before. Two people that know much about winning in sports are Tony Dungee and John Wooden. What is great about Tony Dungee is just his presence and how he treated his players. Never did he yell and still produced results.
John Wooden is a known winner in that he coached UCLA basketball team to 10 NCAA championships in his 12 years of coaching; with seven of them in a row. He also posted records for undefeated seasons and record straight wins of 88 games in a row. That is unheard of in sports! What’s the secret? What is it that brings some to the winning while others not so much?
The answer simply would be self development and improvement. You see; with the right focus in the right place the right results will be attained. If the right focus in the wrong place is evident the right results can’t be attained. If the wrong focus is in the wrong place then be default nothing of what is wanted will be attained.
Where do you fall in? Are you focusing on winning at all cost? Are you focusing on the Jones’s and what they have instead of what you already have that they don’t? Are you focusing on being better than everyone else instead of focusing on refining and improving you?
I learned a long time ago that the more time I spend focusing on the things outside of me the less time I am spending improving myself. Through that not only have I lost time and gotten distracted; but I most certainly am not winning!

It’s been said if you ask a man what he’s thinking and he says ‘nothing’; he isn’t lying. It must be nice to be a man and have that much space to be in position to think about nothing. Most women have not yet mastered the idea of thinking nothing or that they actually can do it.
The question then is: ‘what are you thinking about?’ Do you even know? Perhaps you are not getting to the life that you truly want because the thoughts in your head are creating too much clutter.
A few ways to combat the thoughts and get over the stinking thinking are:
1- Know what you are thinking about. Most people don’t even realize what it is they think about and when they get it; it’s a shock! It would be no different than listening to and singing raps songs only to realize they are all about things that you say you don’t stand for!
2- Forgive. By forgiving someone who hurt you; the thoughts about what that person did will be gone. Gone too will be the resentment, bitterness, anger; and even revenge thoughts. Your mind, body and soul will be at peace to allow you to think on much better and positive things to move you in the direction you want to go. The emotional baggage will only hold you back and weigh you down in the end!
3- Prioritize your activities. If you try to do all things at one time you won’t be as successful as you would be doing one thing at a time. While years ago mastering multi-tasking was a good thing; studies continue to reveal that those who do aren’t nearly as focused or productive. This makes sense as how can one be productive with only 30% of focus going to one thing at a time? It takes longer to get one thing done and by prioritizing items there is more focus toward that one thing which clears out all the rest of the mind clutter. There are less geniuses in the world today because of lack of prioritizing and ability to concentrate. Create a system that works for you so that you can accomplish more and not get bogged down with extra thoughts. It doesn’t have to be complicated; just what works for you.
4- Breathe and Relax. By including breathing and relaxing into your day you will increase the balance in you life. There is nothing wrong with taking a 10 minute walk to clear your mind. Deep breathing exercises are known to help many while others simply go and pray and return refreshed. It’s ok to not be superman or woman!
5- Create Positive Daily Thinking Habits. It takes work to not be defeated by the thoughts in your mind. It takes work to not be overwhelmed by rude people, those who can’t drive; and everything else that comes with the world we live in. It is a choice to think about what you think about and it’s just as easy to create a good habit of thought patterns as it is a bad one. What you think you are you are.
These are just some simple tips to get you started. When you really see what thoughts you have allowed in you may see the need for change. There is a big world of living to do and there is no reason to be defeated by your mind. Get out of the rut of stinking thinking and be forever changed by new thoughts and patterns! There is no reason to be defeated and living in clutter when it’s just as easy to be productive and free.

With more than 40 million people dating online one may appear as the best place to go. Find love in the comfort of your home and in your jammies; what could be better. While it may serve the purpose for many who venture to Match. com, Plenty of Fish, Checkhimout, E-Harmony or any of the others it’s a great thing. On the other side for others it’s a dipping pond of disappoint. The lies, the fake profile pictures, the cancellations; and the list goes on. Could it be that in order to get to the status of being marriable one has to be datable first?
In order to be datable here are a few things to consider and ask yourself before taking moments from the life of someone else.
1- Am I too busy? If you do not have the time to date then why put a profile online in the first place? Why try to meet someone if you are not able to commit to the time that it would take to do so?
2- Can I keep a scheduled date? If you are cannot commit to keeping a date then perhaps you should not venture toward trying to get one in the first place. If your children or other activities require you to not be able to commit then you should be mindful of the message it sends to someone.
3- Can I afford it? Many people have the misconception that it costs men and not women money to date yet they are mistaken. Sure it does cost men money to day; however, women too have to pay although in a different way. Studies continue to reveal that single women have to pay more annually for maintenance than married women and when single; there is a lot of competition out there. If women don’t play the game of ‘keep- up’ they will never land the man. Knowing that men are visual women have to spend the extra time and money to have the proper appearance in order to attract someone in the first place. Yes men typically do pay for a date although times have changed and now both are paying. Regardless; if you are not in position to afford it then don’t get yourself in the situation in the first place.
4- Are my priorities in order? If you have an interest of taking a woman out ‘only’ when the game isn’t on then how long will it last? There will always be a game on and trying to juggle all the games and women will only land you alone in the end. If your only love affair is with a television portraying men running on a field, quart, or ice arena perhaps recognizing this is the first step and then determining what your priorities are. It’s ok if you wish to have more time with your buddies watching games at the bar all weekend; just don’t expect a date with a real woman who wants your time. People are how they are when you meet them!
5- Am I in proper position to date? Is my car registered, can I drive to pick a woman up, do I have air conditioning. It’s amazing how many times I have heard that men in Dallas do not have air conditioning. In Denver or Seattle; ok it’s different. In Dallas in the heat of the summer to not have air conditioning is quite another story!
6- Am I emotionally stable? If you are not over your ex, exes; or parents divorce 25 years ago then perhaps getting into a dating relationship isn’t going to help. Two dysfunctional people together do not create function. Brittany Spears and Keven Federline proved this. Taking care of personal issues means less baggage to a relationship that would only cause it to end sooner than it should.
7- Are my finances in order? Now it’s not to say you have to have a perfect credit score; however, if you are not financially fit then spending your money taking care of financial issues would be the more prudent decision. Knowing that many dating situations lead to marriage; it would be wise to take care of all the areas of your household so when it’s time to date you are in the best position financially so it won’t be an issue in the long term.
8- Am I respectful of boundaries? When you respect yourself then it’s much easier to set boundaries. If you expect and give sex on the first date then there is a clear sign of no boundaries, prudence; or self control. It sends the wrong message and if you do not set boundaries then you are allowing the person to treat you any way you wish and you not respecting the boundaries of others will also send a wrong message. Be respectful of yourself and if the person you date isn’t for you; then that only means you still have your self respect in tact.
By taking the time to think about whether or not you are actually ready to date you will not only show yourself some self respect but those around you too. It’s not fair to those you wish to date to not be in position to at least drive somewhere because you haven’t yet taken care of the standard operations of being an adult. If dating leads to marriage then starting with self would be the first place to begin. It’s always better to date a healthy person before marrying one wouldn’t you think?

I’ve blogged about this now 3 times and well; apparently we are still experiencing it and sometimes we can all use a reminder.
It’s hard to imagine thinking about winter when it’s 100 degrees out; but the past couple of days in most parts of the US have proven that winter is still here. It’s hard to think about anything other than relaxing by the pool with a nice umbrella drink in hand.
It was reported back in August that winter 2013 will be the worst on record. Hmm…… worse than what? I guess worse than what we have known in this lifetime. Sure many times the weather reports are simply wrong; but let’s in this case they are right and it happens to hit a city near you; what would you do? We are seeing this play out without a doubt?
It got me thinking to say the least. How prepared am I? In Colorado where I grew up things were different in that winter came and everyone was prepared. It was just life. People had gardens and the crops were canned for winter. It was life. The blizzards of 1982 was one such example. It came on Christmas Eve. It’s not one people soon forget. The other ones that people still talk about are 1997 where in Coal Creek Canyon 56″ of snow was reported in less than 12 hours. In 2003 people were snowed in for at minimum 5 days. Because some cities outlawed driving people skied to the nearest grocery store; before everything was shut down. How ingenious right? Or stupid that the grocery workers were still there but I digress.
At least in Denver people have 4-wheel drive vehicles. In most cities across America; people aren’t equipped for such weather as snow and ice; or even cold. The city workers aren’t either so a weather related storm can definitely wreck havoc without a doubt. I need to make sure I am prepared for whatever comes this winter. How about you?
In reflection of a few things that would be necessary for survival is one that has thinking I need to step up my game. The grocery stores only have supplies for three days. Three days! What if the weather is so bad that the power is out longer than that? What if the weather is so bad that the trucks can’t even get to your city to deliver the products you need? What then would you do? It occurs to me that there are some things I need to take care of. It’s not like I will be able to just use my cell phone and order pizza.
A few things to think about to be prepared are:
1- Water. Of course everyone needs water so this goes without say. If you start now stocking up on water then you are set for drinking but what about the rest of your life? What about showering, cooking, or anything else. Don’t you need to be able to flush the toilet so you may need more water? If you have the drinking water do you really want to pour that down the toilet? The large blue containers you can fill up with a few gallons of tap water and then store them in the garage so you have something. You wouldn’t want to store your drinking water in the heat in the garage as it will only take more like plastic than it already does.
2- Food. Of course you have to eat and because you may not have electricity or know when it will be restored you definitely have to plan. What is your daily food consumption now? How long will the food in the refrigerator and freezer last? How would you prepare it? I was told years ago to take old water bottles and fill them with water but not all the way full and then store them in the freezer for occasions just like this. Perhaps a few MRE’s and other items should be accounted for before it’s too late. Foods high in protein and require no cooking are the most obvious. Plan for additional foods for the children and infants in your family. Not only this; how often do people eat out of boredom? Planning now will help you know what you have so your level of irritability won’t be so high.
3- Paper items. Toilet paper, napkins and other items are good to have on hand. Because water supply is limited doing dishes won’t be easy using paper products can serve the purpose. If count for how much toilet paper you use per month then perhaps an extra month supply would be good. Obviously if you are single you use less than a family of five; and that is the last thing you want to run out of. One opened item of anything is never enough!
4- Protection. It’s wise to be able to defend yourself in all seasons. Keeping current with firearms training and having ammunition is just prudent. My CHL is current and being proficient in using it doesn’t take much time out of my life. It’s just one of those things that is no different than taking care of the laundry.
5- Toiletries. As I said before an opened anything is never enough. Are you at the bottom of the shampoo bottle? Last roll of the toothpaste? What then if you run out before the weather clears and your store is restocked. How terrible would it be to not be able to brush your teeth for a few days or weeks?
6- Lighting. Candles of course can work just great; but how many would you need to use for light and warmth? When I look around my town home I see 20ft ceilings which means all the warmth going everyone else except to me. I would need to get creative with where I would spend my time because I obviously don’t want to waste my candles. My personal idea is pretty simple. My bathroom is a decent size and is closed in so it would make the most sense to set up shop in there. I would set up an air mattress in the bathtub and that room would be the warmest with less heat escaping. Sitting on the air mattress also gets me off the floor. Because my dining room, kitchen, living room; and bedroom all have windows using candles simply would be more work. GE sells the LED lanterns that take D batteries so for 20 bucks I have light and with my candles have warmth. Don’t forget the matches or lighters. I have a fireplace that was one thought although the bathroom would still provide better options for longer warmth.
7- Pet food and supplies. You can’t let your pet go hungry now can you? Of course mot! The Olive needs her food too. How much does your pet consume daily? What about flea, tick or heart worm medicine? Having these items on hand will only help you better protect your animal. Perhaps a few extra treats or raw hide bones would serve as a distraction from the situation. You may also think about a dog sweater or sweatshirt. While most with the purse dogs spend more on these items; your lab or Great Dane deserves one too!
8-Prescriptions. While it’s easy to call the pharmacist to place the prescription order on most days; you most likely wouldn’t have phone service to make the call or be able to get to that location to purchase it. Having enough supply on hand is wise as you would have to have your mother or child suffer those consequences!
9- Extra glasses or contacts. If it’s dark and you lose a pair of glasses now you are stuck. Stuck using your light to go search in the cold of the night to find them when if you had an extra pair in an easy to find location you would be just fine. This is one thing on my list without a doubt! I’ve never lost a pair but that doesn’t mean an extra pair wouldn’t be beneficial. I’m also learning that too many things that can be done tomorrow can wreck havoc on it too!
10- Blankets. If you happen to be like many bachelors you may just have your sheet and comforter that you sometimes use; or even perhaps you have the old quilt from someone years ago. Having enough blankets to keep you warm is a definite! If you hold up in one room you can always use one at the base of the door to keep any heat from escaping. My favorite is my down comforter; although I have two other bed sets and numerous other blankets that I have picked up along the way. This one item that can definitely serve it’s purpose. Of course if you have the sleeping bag that you use for those hunting excursions those will work just fine.
11- Generator. Sure you may not want to spare the expense of a few hundred bucks and no one blames you. For those who like to really be prepared it may be the best way to go. While others may be suffering; those with the generators wouldn’t lose any power so perhaps it is something to consider.
While there are many other items to include like salt for the driveway or front steps, sturdy ice scraper; and a prepare mentality this is a good start. More people die in the cold of winter than in the heat summer so why not cool yourself off from that heat of the day today? When that day comes you will be glad you did!

I bet there is no where in America where one can look and not see someone who has laid down his life for another. There just isn’t. This is what America is. It is the land of free because of those who stand and fight for it. It was not built by a bunch of pansies. Not this country. This is a country founded by men who did not bow to anyone; ever. The men and women that fought and fight for this country are better than that. It’s a shame that the leader of the free world doesn’t see that or follow in the steps thereof.
On this day it can not be forgotten or any day for that matter. Every day it can not be said enough ‘Thank You” for the sacrifice you have made. Thank you for the life you have chosen so that we Americans may have ours. Thank you for the home cooked meals you have given up. Thank you for the time you have missed with your family and friends. Thank you for enduring the heartache for those you have lost. Thank you for the rocks and dirt you slept on in the heat to protect us at home while we slept quietly in our beds. Thank you for your determination. Thank you for the cuts, scrapes, bruises, surgeries, dis-figuration and loss of limbs you experienced on our behalf. Thank you for the fighting spirit and courage. Thank you that because of your selflessness we can choose to be as selfish as we desire by burning the very flag that represents what you fight for us to keep. Thank you for the heartbreak you have endured by what you have survived. Thank you for the bravery, courage; and strength that you have shown to stand for this great nation. Thank you for who you are.
Thank you to Veterans from many wars and to the rest of you that I don’t know or can’t think of off the top of my head: Steve Tassio Navy Vietnam, Jim Richmond Vietnnam, Don Shepherd Vietnam, Joe Carrano Desert Storm, Tony Hyatt Desert Storm(deceased), Shannon Smith Army, Tim Cord Marines, Dan Cord Marines, Dan Jarmon Marines, Phil Snyder Marines, Steve Blackman Iraq, Curtis Zachary Iraq, Royal Wayne Iraq, Keifer Fiveash Army, Bobby Bridgewater Navy, Patti Knight USAF, Steve Vogel USAF, Dave Hilary Army, Lewish Burwell Puller Jr. Marines, John McCain Navy, Chris Gomez Navy SEAL, Joel Lambert Navy SEAL, Talon Smith Navy, Wes Clar 4 Star General, Si Roberton Navy, LT Michael P. Murphy US Navy SEAL, Brent Gleeson US Navy SEAL, Grady Powell, Austin Bridgewater National Guard, Dan Johnson Army, Samuel K Navy, Chris Kyle Sniper Navy SEAL (deceased, Chad Littlefield Navy, Samuel Keerikoolparn Navy, Gary Schultz, James F. Grisson Army, Michael Mansoor Navy SEAL (deceased), Chad Almy USMC, Craig Davis Army, Jeff Todoroff Army, Nick Schnieder Army, Steven Speeces USN/USCG, Nate Perry USAF and many millions more that I do not have listed.
You are the men and women who have more guts than the average, more determination than those that dream for it; and those who risk with no reward. You are the very definition of what a hero is and I along with millions of others say Thank You.
All images belong to their various owners.