Forgiveness and Wasted Time
Does it feel like time is going by faster? Have you thought about what you are doing with the time that you have now? Are you investing it in your relationship with Jesus or wasting it on hobbies for self gratification? Are you living in unforgiveness? If you are really doing either of these then your time is not being invested wisely; it’s being wasted and all for the glory of the enemy.
It’s easy to waste a year and how it starts is unsuspecting; it starts simply by refusing to forgive which wastes a minute; a minute here a minute there- and a day is gone reflecting on nothing of importance other than who did this or that to you; a weekend spend lounging while taking the all important selfie; a week gone by and as the months creep in so do the wrinkles and bitterness. Yes it happens if you are not aware of it; and most are not aware. They think ‘tomorrow’ yet who even told you that tomorrow was a guarantee?
The enemy knows what he is doing; and sad to say but moreso than those who sit in church every Sunday thinking just because they showered they are better Christians; or that being there means something. It may to those collecting the tithes and offerings but if you are not doing you will be found out. Don’t be deceived. There is no time for that.
Unforgiveness impacts every person alive; as does wasting time. Not dealing with what must be dealt with only destroys. I wasted decades because I fell into the trap of the word of faith movement where you just claim it and it’s done- yet you can claim something is done but if you do nothing then ummmm; how is anything done? Oh sure I can claim victory that the kitchen is clean all day long but yet remember faith without works is dead. As was I because I never actually forgave though I claimed it all day long. No wonder my life was a mess!
When you are not productive for His Kingdom and living in the fullness of forgiveness and love; you are simply a tool used by the enemy. And remember God did not create people to be unproductive. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 clearly lays it out for us: “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” In other words; laziness never pays! And neither does unforgiveness.
In our society where people are more into themselves and self-gratification in whatever form we need to remember that while you may think you are that important; if your love for yourself is higher than that of the Lord you will reap what you sow. If you believe that unforgiveness isn’t something you need to inquire of the Lord and you are hungry; perhaps the time is now to ask. In reality; the time really is now because there is not much of it left and we all need to be prepared in and out of season. Should we not be then we are only proving how distracted and dead we really are. As the Body of Christ are we not worth more than that? His Word clearly says so! Remember the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy-you! Don’t let it happen. Use your time wisely while you still have it.
For more about love and forgiveness watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ M-F at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork. Stream live at Listen daily at
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It’s interesting that the past is time gone by yet most people stay living there. It is evidenced by the lives they lead yet because most are living there no one sees it as abnormal. What is sad is that truly in our society was once was normal is no longer and the abnormal is normal; and that is not normal. Living in the past is not normal when the present and future are here and coming at a quicker rate! . The best news is that there is a way out!
You see; forgiveness in Christ frees you from your past and I thought I knew forgiveness. I ‘thought’ I forgave. I thought that just because I said the words that was it; you know like that blab it and grab it or spit it and get theology many ascribe to. But yet nothing changed and I knew it not. It wasn’t until I was faced with being required to forgive that things changed. Through the process of forgiving people I also had to forgive my past. That sounded like the strangest thing because the past is ‘time gone by’ yet it in grammatical terms is a ‘noun’ and it robbed me. My past was the enemy that came only to kill, steal and destroy. It did a number on my and what I did not know was that I was still allowing it to have its foothold on my current life. I was robbed of much in my childhood and when I learned what it meant to forgive the past it was like removing an ankle strap. Maybe you haven’t had my past although you have your own. It doesn’t matter if it’s regret over a career choice, situation with your parents where you don’t measure up; it doesn’t matter. It’s time to be free!
Forgiving the past is not easy. It is the letting go of what may be something painful to progress toward something wonderful; your future in Christ. You cannot have a full future in Christ living in unforgiveness of the past. You simply cannot. One will always win and the direction you look is the direction where you will live. And sure you can say you are looking forward; although if you are not aware that there are almost 40 symptoms of unforgiveness then you just may want to not be so quick to judge. I had to to learn that lesson to and it was hard; but pride comes before a fall. Don’t fall just inquire.
I encourage you to truly go before the Lord and inquire of Him. Ask Him if you need to forgive anyone or even your past. Don’t just take your own mind’s word for it as that is dumb; because remember it’s the same mind that gets you into trouble so thinking without the Lord that it will get you out is ridiculous. But go to Him. Let Him reveal to you and ask that He does so in a way that ‘you can understand’ so that you are free. You will be free to live the future ‘He’ has for you. You will be free from the traps of the past; and you will be free to be the real you that has been there all along. It will prove to be your biggest breakthrough without a doubt!
For more about forgiveness watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ M-F at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork. Stream live Listen to ‘Living in Forgiveness’ M-F 12pm CST in US dial 605-475-4426.
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Obedience to God’s Word comes with a choice just as much as disobedience does as well. Your choice to forgive comes down to your choice to choose obedience to God’s Word. In the Garden of Eden it is written in Genesis 3:15-17 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (NIV) Notice carefully at this point that 1) God commanded Adam, 2) Eve was not yet created. It wasn’t verse 21 that Eve was brought to existence.
Genesis 3:21-22 reveals Eve’s debut: “So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.” (NIV) It must be noted the order of events because there has been incorrect blame placed on Eve when she was not given the order by God. Keep reading.
It is important to recognize this because the level of obedience a person has will be based upon their understanding and knowledge; and if one is truly to be obedient to God in full it will definitely require knowing His Word and not some other misinterpretation of it. As such; Eve was deceived into disobedience by her choice of ignorance but also because Adam, who was given the command, did not rise to the occasion and intercede. His choice of disobedience caused the fall of humanity and was the first downfall of marital leadership and headship of man. It is equally important to recognize how easy it is to be disobedient and another reason of support to know the Word so as to not be deceived. In Genesis 3:1-6 it tells us “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
What is interesting to note is that the serpent was more crafty than all the animals the Lord made; and it was the serpent who deceived Eve. Perhaps she would not been deceived by a pug or Koala bear; but alas the serpent was there. Eve was also at a disadvantage because she was not given the command of what to eat or not to eat; and she would not have had enough wisdom on her own to know to ask what she could and could not eat. The level of assumption is curious. Perhaps she too did not know what it would mean to have her eyes open; yet obviously the serpent did and took appropriate steps to cause her to be disobedient. It is similar to unforgiveness in the way that the enemy will cause thoughts contrary to God’s Word to justify keeping unforgiveness; although scripture commands otherwise. As the story continues we read, starting in verses 6-7: “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.”
Eve made the choice to look at the fruit. She liked what she saw and she made a choice to act upon it. Because of her level of ignorance she fell; and humanity went right along with her. What people do not truly grasp is how the mind can be a trap of disobedience if not recognized and renewed in accordance with God’s Word in Romans 12:2. Adam disobeyed the direct order of not eating from the specific tree; yet his mind was not in right alignment because he went along with the Even to be disobedient. He made the choice to elevate Eve above God. Similarly; a choice to not forgive is one that causes a fall; and those around the unforgiver lose out as well. It is vital to pay attention to what you are looking at and to know the scripture the way they are written in order to not be deceived by any serpent who brings purposeful misinterpretation for a false outcome.
The more disobedient one is the more his or her eyes and heart are open to sin and the nature of bondage that comes with it. There is never freedom in sin. There cannot be because that would mean that without Christ there is freedom; and there is no such thing. So long as the mind is prepared to be obedient fully to the Word of God; there are less chances of falling and failing to a lifestyle against God and one of rebellion. And we can simply look around and see the turnaround that must take place for full freedom to reign once again.
Society is full of distractions. It’s easy to get caught up in them. Politics, Hollywood breakups; guns, Superbowl, the agendas that don’t nee any further life given to them. You get the idea. I’m sure you have your special ones too.
Recognize that the more time spent talking and arguing about things doesn’t solve anything. More often it separates people and if you are the one who doesn’t agree well; you are the racist, the bigot, the homophobe or whatever new name they want to call it. Still put it’s interesting that one’s opinion can be put into a label of intolerance yet if people were truly walking in tolerance they would be tolerant of anyone’s opinions regardless of what they are. Yet we are still called to love; and to walk in forgiveness. Period. There is no way around those two commands if you say you are a Christian. And the argument of whatever is the hot topic for the day doesn’t change anything now does it? Think about that? What does the engagement in debate of topic really do for anyone? Prove no on is right? Well that’s a solid investment of time right?!
For me it was the love of the argument really about anything-and much of it political. I was actually the oddball Christian teaching at secular colleges who didn’t back down and some hated me for it but I didn’t care. I had an opinion and would stop at nothing to share it; thinking that anyone cared to hear it. But you see; no lives changed. No one was right. And today; people fall into the same trap. How many arguments are on twitter and facebook of people arguing over this and that? And people get overemotional and call people names because of what? A difference of opinion? Sure because high blood pressure is worth it right? Seriously; think about it.
We need to see it’s a ploy by the enemy. It’s so simple yet millions fall for it not even seeing it and in the end; they are changed and for the worse. No hearts were won for Christ. Nothing; just the enemy sitting back laughing the whole way- watching. He watches Christians think in all their intellect that it’s cool to call out other ministries for whatever material possessions they have; great way to unite Christians right? Get them fighting! Then he sits back and laughs at the debates of race, politics; and who may or may not have ever said something that was or wasn’t a lie and that no one could ever change their mind in 20 years and if they did that too is a lie and all the sudden it’s viral! And now millions of people hate one another; time is lost and Jesus is left standing waiting for someone to want to talk to Him. Yeah reflect on that for a moment. Just a moment before you log back in to facebook and see what the Donald is up to. Do you see it? Do you see it?
When you get distracted by arguing over the things of current day you are missing the point. You are missing that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy and every minute you give in you are losing ground. And in some cases, your life, your family; your soul. It’s time we wake up and start doing something that will be a solution and not the problem. And the first place to start is with Jesus and in prayer.
We are all given choices to make. Did you know the average person makes 35k decisions every day? If you are a business owner it may be more. Now have you stopped to think about what those decisions actually are? Perhaps you should! You see; your decisions will lead you where you are and your body cannot go where your mind has not been.
And so on this day what do you spend most of your time doing and thinking about? How to make more money? That is your idol. The greed factor kills even the most of appearing to be humble persons. Do you pride yourself on your trophies of this or that sport? Do you pride yourself on how many philosophy degrees you have that let’s be honest; haven’t gotten you a job? Do you pride yourself on the neighborhood that you live in and boast about it during dinner parties? The number of shoes you have? Oh yes the days of Carrie Bradshaw may have you dreaming. Or even that you have the new job title and were first in line to get the latest phone? While all of that may make you think you are a better person- but does it? Your gun collection does not make you a better person. Oh and because your church is bigger than the one across the street still does not make you better. How would it?
Let’s get real. None of that matters. Period. None of it. In the Book of Ruth we see that Boaz loved Ruth because of her character- not how her nails were painted and her new stilettos. Sure those things may be nice and some can argue ‘Well; if men weren’t so visual I wouldn’t have to have all this’ but here is the thing: ‘real men’ will see beyond nail polish to see you. Period. Ruth demonstrates to us that who we are is more important than what we have.
So it begs the question: ‘Who’ are you? Who are you without all the stuff you idolize that you have allowed to imprison you? When you strip that away it will tell you everything. Ruth was beautiful yet came without Louboutin’s. And she married up! Her heart is what captured him. The more away from the world and its lies you get and the closer to Jesus you become the less worldly possessions you need. As ‘HE’ becomes all you need you realize what is truly important. And let us not forget God’s Word tells us to think on the things above; and seek the better things. And Jesus is the best thing. Make today the day that you build your character to be pleasing Him rather than your own castle in the sand. You won’t regret it.
The story of Hannah provides us much to reflect on. It is one where you can be like her in the beginning or the end- it’s your choice. But rest assured if you try in all your own strength you will fail. Why? Because God’s Word tells us that apart from Him we can do no good thing. (John 15:5) How hard it must have been for her to desire something so much and yet get it; that is until she surrendered. You may think that you are so smart investing in the stock market; and when it fully collapses what will you have? Anger toward God? Bitterness of the loss when in reality you just didn’t listen to God Almighty? Surrender to Him now. The reality is that you have nothing to lose and if you don’t; well you will lose and more than you know.
You see; you can’t have it both ways: serving yourself and God at the same time. You must choose. Hannah finally got the memo and guess what? It was ‘God’ who blessed her with a baby. No one else. No dead god or universe will bless you. It can’t. It doesn’t even know you! But the God who created you and knows every hair on your head can! It is always God and if you deny His ways then you will live with the consequences. It doesn’t matter if you are one individual or one nation turning your back on Him will prove to be disastrous- and one only need to look around and see the devastation surrounding us.
The good news is that there is still time! Who knows how long but rest assured if you do what Hannah did and repent and seek forgiveness; times of refreshing may come. Her bitterness left her ‘and then’ she became pregnant. Now- this would make sense right because bitterness rots the bones so in reality how would she be able to carry a baby to term with bitter bones? But if you choose to be independent and pride yourself for it you will fall. And why fall on your face when you can stand on God’s Word and live to tell about it?
It’s a wake up call for each of us to recognize that regardless of the amount of wisdom you think you have; you don’t. You did not create yourself and you really are not the best thing since sliced bread and when that sinks in and you understand that it isn’t about you but about Him your life will change. When I got over myself and all my accolades of man made ideas and trophies everything changed. Remember that on judgment day there simply won’t be a trophy or stupid ribbon given to you just because you were born. God is a just God and if you don’t choose to show up you won’t reap the rewards. Choose Him now.
Have you ever thought about your choices on any given day?
In these times to come the Bible tells us more will be boastful, lovers of self; self-seeking and on it goes. One only need to look at commercials and television programs or the politics and see it! The Narcissistic Personality Disorder is truly operating yet the good news is that He came to set the captives free! And one way to get free is to be obedient to God’s Word where it commands us to forgive. There are no conditions just do it if you want to live in the abundance that Christ died for.
As you spend more time in God’s Word your life will change. It will become about more than what you have made it to be thus far. It will be about a purpose that you cannot get to while living in unforgiveness. Why? Because unforgiveness is direct disobedience to Christ. It is separation from God and it blocks your hearing from Him. How can you get to the place of knowing your purpose when you are separated from the One who has it?
Forgiveness is about overcoming self to be more about Jesus. It is about removing the NPD from your life to make it about something bigger, better and life lasting.
For more about forgiveness and love watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ Monday-Friday at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork. Check your local listing. Stream live at
For prayer requests and free resources visit
If you want the turnaround in your life it requires obedience to God’s Word. Period. If you want a solution to the problems in the wonderful USA it will require repentance and forgiveness. Period. You cannot add sin to the pure Word of God and think that you will get God’s best. This cannot happen, is not happening and will not happen-ever. God is worth more than the sin people want to live in. Those that are attempting to do so are simply revealing which side they are on and it’s very clear is it not that of God.
It’s time to humble ourselves before the Almighty and do so before it is too late. Acts 3:19 is very clear ‘Repent, and seek forgiveness, so that times of refreshing may come.’ No times of refreshing come ‘before’ humbling. They can’t. God does not and will not bow down to the sin that you want to live in and why should He? He created you remember?
And so in these times the rewards that come through seeking forgiveness are vast. I am here and that’s how I know what is on the other side of forgiveness. But if you wish to deny the fullness of forgive that by the way; can ‘only’ come through Jesus you will live in less than what He initially planned for you. You see; forgiveness is between you and God and when you go to everyone else but Him you miss the entire point. It is not your neighbor or the pope that has any authority to wash your sins away. None. So it’s time now to get that your life to come is based upon your willingness to align yourself with God’s Word. My prayer for you in the name of Jesus is that you would want Him more than you want to keep the sin that is killing you. And rest assured He is the only one who can save you. No other dead god or government entity can. Best to just overcome your flesh and do so now while you still can. You have nothing to lose and a life to gain!
For more about forgiveness and the power of walking in it watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ Monday-Friday at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork. Check your local listing. Stream live at
I was reading an article this morning about change and I reflected on all the change that surrounds us. There are changes in the economy, rental market, food prices, within the church; and then I stopped to reflect on the changes with my relationship with Jesus.
If you are not changing as much in your relationship with Him ask yourself what it is that you are doing or not doing that is the reason. You see; where you go with Him is up to you.The enemy will do everything he can to distract you from getting in relationship with Him, from giving your time to Him; and from reading your Bible. Have you ever noticed that when you want to read your Bible you have an itch, the dog needs to go out, you get tired, thirsty, people who haven’t called you in 50 years all the sudden do so; and the list goes on. Before you attempt to go to church you fight with your spouse, people drive slower, Starbucks line is too long to wait in because you want the good seat. Oh- and then you get there only to realize you forgot your Bible- and hers too. Perhaps you have been there. I hope you see the game. And no not the football game but rather the game the enemy is playing with your life. Forgive yourself for not seeing it; and then do something about it.
Time is running out and the message of forgiveness and love is a message that we must get and soon because life is changing before our very eyes. The only thing we have to give to Jesus is ourselves. And if you choose to give more time to your hobby than Him what will you have; more trophies? More trophies won’t do much for you in crisis. But He will!
And so I say all of this to say that when you set your mind on Him and the things above; you will start to see the snares. You will see the traps before you fall into them. There will always be another football game, another fashion trend, phone; another dance competition. There will always be another something to steal your time away from Him. That is what it’s designed to do. And when you see it and overcome it you will have victory. Your eyes will not bother with the things below because you and your heart will be set on the things above; the thing that is most important: your relationship with Him.
Don’t take it for granted. You would hate to turn back and He’s not there because you forsook Him. Go to Him while you still can; He is waiting.
For more about love and forgiveness watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ Monday-Friday at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork. Check your local listing. Stream live at Also on Roku and On-Demand
For prayer requests and free resources visit
I was thinking about how easy is is to serve more than one master without even realizing it.Sure the obvious right; money and bla bla. But what about the others? Are you being mastered by your television? Football? Well sure the Superbowl is just around the corner? Not your flavor? Well; just wait two months and March Maddness will be here. Or better yet about your food- which by the way I learned that people who live in Dallas eat more food and consumer more liquor than anywhere in the US; and then finally are you being mastered by your hate of others or unforgiveness toward people who have hurt you or just aren’t like you? Is bitterness your drink of choice? How about resentment? The enemy makes it so simple to serve him and most are so unsuspecting because it’s just considered ‘normal’. Better be careful of letting what is not normal become your normal.
See; anything that rules you that is not of God will kill you. Period. Sin kills. It destroys. Look around. People, communities, cities and nations are falling fast because they chose to serve the wrong master. Phoenix, AZ just chose to athiest group to pray before the invocation, Detroit has the Baphomet statue for all to see and worship, and the State of OK recently removed the 10 Commandments from its buildings. Their master is being revealed along with the consequences of their choices. The good news is that you have the power and authority in Jesus Christ to make change for His Kingdom- should you be so willing. I pray you are a servant to the One and only who is and is to come as your life will be spared.Choose life. Choose forgiveness. Choose love. And live. I would much rather live in love in heaven than die of hatred in hell- how about you?
For more about love and forgiveness watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ Monday-Friday at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork. Check your local listing. Stream live