Your gifts to this ministry help us to share the gospel worldwide and continue to raise up disciples for Christ.
If you wish to donate to this ministry through sowing, tithes, offerings, gifts or more we thank you. Give only if you feel led by the Holy Spirit for the Lord loves a cheerful giver. What, when, and how much you give is between you and the Lord for we believe the Lord is more interested in your faithfulness to Him than your wallet. Should you not want to give or don’t feel led; then don’t. That too is between you and the Lord.
It is when we follow His leading and come together to work cooperatively with Him and one another that we truly are able to advance His Kingdom for His Name’s Sake. We trust a God who always makes the way; and the impossible possible whether or not someone chooses to give. We are blessed to be used to expand God’s Kingdom and with if you desire to help to God be the glory and if not to God be the glory! We thank you simply for stopping by and being our brother and sisters in Christ.