The subject of vaccinations is one that divides many; even within the Church. Should you get vaccinated? That is only between you and God. Only you and He can come to that answer. The purpose of this prayer is to protect you should you decide that it is necessary.
In the coming days there will be mandatory requirements for vaccinations to enter schools, office buildings, HOA communities and more. Your papers will be required to be on display before you board an airplane or even be hired for a job. It will not matter if you are a Christian; it will be mandatory.
Pray this prayer and as you do allow the Holy Spirit to truly minister to you recognizing that there is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. (1John 4:18)
Father in Jesus name I first ask that You forgive me of my sins. I ask that You forgive all the sins of iniquity of my generational bloodline and for all fear and viruses that would have entered because of any fear. Today Father in Jesus name I stand firm on your Word that speaks:
- Your sacrifice is enough for my total healing
- You are with me so I do not need to fear
- Your Kingdom is established on earth as it is in Heaven
- I have the authority in the name of Jesus to take back all the grounds given to the enemy by my ancestors in Jesus name.
Prayer for wisdom in Vaccination Decision:
I ask that You lead and guide me by Your Holy Spirit regarding my choice of whether or not to get vaccinated. I pray in Jesus name that You:
- Make Your way plain before and remove all spirits of confusion, chaos, fear and intimidation in my life regarding vaccinations and my choice in Jesus name.
- Fill me with wisdom regarding this vaccination choice.
- Order my steps by your living word in Jesus name regarding all vaccinations of all kinds.
- Deliver me from the bondage of spiritual, governmental, and societal fear, intimidation, bullying all related to vaccinations in Jesus name.
- Bring to light every enemy assignment planned against me, my life and health and that of my family through vaccinations in Jesus name.
- Open my spiritual understanding, knowledge and true purposes of vaccinations in Jesus name.
- Help me submit myself totally to Your leading and decision in Jesus name so that the best decision is made that would be pleasing to you.
- Holy Spirit expose and and all of lack of faith, trust and belief that I need to resolve with You before making my decision.
If you decide to get vaccinated pray this prayer:
Father in the name of Yeshua I Declare and Decree that You:
- Cover me with Your Blood and by Your Blood protect every cell in my body, every cell within all blood within my body, my mind, my heart and eyes.
- Protect my heart from all heart disease, stroke, myocarditis and all heart related complications, sickness, illness and diseases.
- Protect all openings into my body, my veins, my nasal cavity, my mouth, my ears, my spirit and my soul from all things not of You to the cellular and subcellular levels with nothing impacting my RNA or DNA
- Disallow anything attempting to penetrate my body through any means is rejected and dies before entry in Jesus name.
- Disallow all tracking devises within all vaccinations from entering into my body, overtaking my body and transforming my body in form or subsequence of transhumanism.
- Block all hostile attempts of all vaccinations and their symptoms from entering into my body in Jesus name.
- Dissolve and decrown all spikes and spike proteins of all known and unknown viruses and vaccinations upon attempted entry into my body in Jesus name.
- Deactivate all fake and replicated cells and ribosomes in my cells from translating and transferring diseases into my RNA through vaccinations.
- Deactivate all fake and replicated blood cells in my body that would create blood clots.
- No codes of any card are able to be implanted in any part of my body or blood.
- No graphene oxide nor any of its particles are able to enter, multiply, develop, grow or expand in my blood, organs or any part of my body.
- No blood clotting would overtake my body on land, sea or in any aircraft that would cause early death.
I speak in Jesus name that:
- Every evil habitation of any vaccination into my body is rejected regardless of what company, testing or approval.
- Every forced vaccination impact, sickness, side effect implantation skin mark, label placed upon or in my life, in my body mind and spirit is rejected, refused and denied for all the days of my life in Jesus name.
- No evil disease or growth of any kind will ever grow, take root, expand harm or destroy my mind, body, health or spirit because of vaccinations.
- Every demonic judgement directed against any organ in my body through vaccinations are overthrown right now!
- All satanic deposits, stamps, bar codes, tracking devices, devices of any and all kinds, pricks, impurities from vaccinations into my body are expelled immediately with no side effects and no impact .
- Your angels unearth and destroy all evil storage vessels fashioned against me through vaccinations.
- Every strongman and demonic opposition assigned to me through vaccinations is rendered useless with no assignment ever returning against me.
- Every organ of my body is too hot for any evil to inhabit.
- Nothing not of You can reside, attach itself to, or grow in any part of my body regardless of force, lies, intimidation or unnatural laws that defy You and Your ordained identity of who I am that You created from before the foundation of the earth.
- Fire will fall on every spirit of death and hell and all agents fashioned against my life through the use of vaccinations.
- All curses that the vaccinated only have 2 years to live after receiving it is broken off of me now and that I will live and not die as Your Word says in Acts 17:26 that You chose the time and place of where we shall live and I am not bound by that curse but free by You.
If Pregnant:
- No transference of symptoms of vaccinations in my body would come upon my baby now or at any time of his or her life in Jesus name.
- My breastmilk will be healthy with no evil spirits overtaking it to destroy my baby.
- I will suffer no pregnancy or birth complications.
- I will deliver a healthy, beautiful baby that will live to glorify you with a long lasting, healthy life glorifying You.
I decree in Jesus name that:
- I apply the blood of Jesus to break all curses related to the vaccinations and that none will ever land upon me for all the days of my life.
- All curses of all kinds attempting to operate in my life through vaccinations are cut off now for all the days of my life.
- I am released from the umbrella of any and all collective captivity of vaccinations.
- By the Blood of Jesus every inherited satanic deposit is flush out of my system.
- By the Blood of Jesus and fire of Ghost every organ in my body is cleansed.
- All foundational strongmen that have attached to my life are now paralyzed.
- All rods of wickedness rising up against me, my body and my family line are rendered impotent.
- All demon attached to any and all components of vaccinations must depart from me now and go to the abyss now and forevermore.
- Every curse of mental and physical sickness caused from vaccinations must never come near me.
- By the Blood of Jesus I am released from the bondage of evil altars of vaccinations.
- I cancel every demonic dedication of my body through vaccinations and I decree I am not a dedication one for any satanic ritual.
- Anything done against my life under the demonic anointing of vaccinations be nullified now.
- You smash every evil altar erected against me through vaccinations.
- Every evil medical person ministering against me at the evil altar of vaccinations will receive the sword of God.
- No birth defects, infertility, or sudden death will come upon me.
- No autoimmune disorders, no mental disorders, no reactions, no allergies or side effects or impact to my RNA or DNA of any kind will come up me or within my body.
- The effects of evil access to my blood are nullified right now.
- No animal blood or body parts in vaccinations will loose a covenant power in my life
- No blood covenant will ever be established through vaccinations and I deny all attempts to force me into any agreement, vow or covenant with vaccinations.
- I release myself from every collective blood covenant captivity that would be attempted to be created with any part of my body; including my RNA.
- Every evil authority, influence, programming and handwriting of witchcraft and principalities through vaccinations against my life is destroyed now by fire in Jesus name
And in Jesus name I thank You that I am fully covered by Your Blood. I thank You that:
- Your Holy Ghost fire circulate over my body.
- Every power of death and hell targeted against me is paralyzed and I am free
- I am delivered from the attack by any satanic sword of death
- I live and am here to declare the works of the Lord
- I have angelic assistance and protection
No weapon formed against me shall ever come to pass in my life and that I am free to testify of Your greatness, Your awesomeness and Your power that is living within me. I thank You that by Your stripes I am healed and that so long as You are for me nothing will ever prevail in the kingdom of darkness against me. I give You the praise and glory that I am Yours and will proclaim it so for all the days of my life in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
If you decide to not get vaccinated pray this prayer:
In Jesus name I decree that:
- You strengthen me in my faith continually as I go forth trusting You for all things.
- I am loosed from all impact, influence, retaliation of the vaccination satanic ritual and all its attempts to destroy my life.
- I remain loosed from this satanic ritual and all its impact and influence on the earth as I reject all participation in it.
- There is no shedding or transfer any spirits from vaccinations that would come upon me through skin contact, air, or breath for all the days of my life.
- All is well in my spirit and soul and all that I do prospers for all the days of my life.
- Any hand of any kind that wants to retaliate or arrest me because I refuse vaccinations dry up and wither.
- As I defy and destroy every evil covenant agreement coming against me through not getting vaccinated that You protect me and provide me all escape routes necessary for survival.
- Every power of death and hell targeted against me and my family is paralyzed now and forevermore.
- Every evil authority of remote control powers and monitoring spirits attempting to manipulate my destiny because I refuse vaccinations are destroyed forever.
- I am released from every curse attached to evil covenants and those attached to vaccinations regardless of brand.
- I am off the grid to the enemy and all his agents never to be found or forced into vaccination for any reason.
- I walk in supernatural strength against anyone who would ever attempt to force any injection of any kind.
- My breakthroughs are on Your heavenly alter.
- Every evil covenant link of vaccinations is broken over me, my life, my family’s life, my future and assignment for You.
- I am dissociated from every territorial spirit and hierarchy of them operating through vaccinations and the forcing of them through any wicked means.
- My prosperity is in Your hands.
- That You protect my health and make the way so that I never need to enter into a hospital, medical center or medical clinic.
- You direct and order my steps in all ways that move me away from all ensnares and entrapments by the enemy to force vaccinations upon me for any reason.
- You provide strategic ways and means for employment and income.
- You increase my discernment and sensitivity to Your Holy Spirit regarding my steps for the future.
- You provide the best neighborhood where I can live where vaccinations and papers are not required for proof of entry or residence.
- You increase my wisdom, faith and understanding of how to live going forward.
- No sickness or disease of any kind will ever come upon me or my family in Jesus name.
- My children are never taken from me because of my choice to serve You above all.
- My family is protected from all tyranny and wickedness of government leaders and agents of the enemy.
- You grow me beyond human reasoning to walk in the fullness of You in abundance.
- You protect me from any and all retaliation that comes against me.
And in Jesus name I thank You that I am fully covered by Your Blood. I thank You that:
- Your Holy Ghost fire circulates over my body and keeps me protected.
- Every power of death and hell targeted against me is paralyzed and I am free.
- Every enemy assignment of early death is destroyed.
- I am delivered from the attack by any satanic sword of death and its blood sacrifice and rituals.
- I live and am here to declare the works of the Lord .
- I have angelic assistance and protection for all the days of my life.
No weapon formed against me shall ever come to pass in my life and that I am free to testify of Your greatness, Your awesomeness and Your power that is living within me. I thank You that by Your stripes I am healed and that so long as You are for me nothing will ever prevail in the kingdom of darkness against me. I give You the praise and glory that I am Yours and will proclaim it so for all the days of my life in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
The decision is yours and yours alone. The only thing is that you make the decision that is best for you with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and that before you do; you truly go before Him and allow Him to minister to you.
God bless you.
Julie Blair Ministries
Copyright 2021
Stores are filled with deception at every turn. Their goal is for you to part with your money of purchases you didn’t intend, to get more in debt and eat items that are not designed for your best health. Being a wise consumer will help you not only save money; but also time and your health too.
Father in Jesus name please forgive me of my sins. Father in Jesus name I thank You that You are with me as I enter this store. (name of store)
I speak forth in Jesus name that:
You protect me, You guide my steps, You reveal only to me what I need in this store.
Every single thing You reveal I need is available and where I will see it as you reveal it to me.
I buy nothing that I do not need and that my eyes are shut to all temptations.
Every spirit entering through soundwaves is rebuked and all portals of entry to me are closed.
All spirits in this store not of You are rebuked now and must flee from me now in every direction.
All familiar spirits are rebuked from attaching to me, all foul smelling spirits are rebuked from entering my hemisphere; and I rebuke all spirits of confusion, chaos and distracting from surrounding me.
Every following, watching, hovering spirit I command them to leave my presence right now.
Every aisle I am in is filled with peace.
No watching cameras or recording devices will be able to gather any information about me and that my phone (if you have it with you) appears scrambled to them in Jesus name.
I have favor when I approach the checkout there is no line, the cashier is the one You assign and that there are no mistakes on my bill of any kind.
That I am only in this store the exact amount of time that you deem necessary, that there are no spirits that cause me to linger or loiter and that what I am here to accomplish I accomplish with success and protection.
As I leave no spirits will follow or attach to me and that all ties to this store are cut in Jesus name.
I thank You Father for being with me in this store and for all You have blessed me with and that as for all this in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
3 Vital Components ,
Prayer is vital to every Christian; or at least it should be. It should come with such ease as breathing; you do it and without thought. Including these three things into your prayers will change not only your prayers; but also the results of them. Because I didn’t grow up in the Church and didn’t take a class on how to pray; the Holy Spirit revealed a few things about prayer that made complete sense.
1.Start your prayer in ‘Jesus name’. I always wondered why so many started prayers with such things as ‘Oh Father…..’ because growing up Catholic the priest was called ‘father.’ Other religions also have ‘father’ in them so if there is nothing else beyond that- what or who father is being prayed to? Why open a portal to something that you definitely do not want opened? When it was revealed to start and end every prayer ‘in Jesus name’ it did and does 2 things: 1) it gets His attention to cause Him to listen, 2) it ends the prayer in the same manner to affirm it’s finished and obviously with ‘Amen’ to follow. It’s no different than having a conversation with someone and you never speak his or her name; are they listening? Perhaps but you really don’t know. Why risk it with your prayers?
2. Seek Forgiveness. The importance of this is beyond what most people know. I know I surely didn’t! When we examine scripture and it’s clear that if we don’t forgive others our sins won’t be forgiven. Well; Acts 3:19 also tells us ‘Repent and seek forgiveness, so that times of refreshing may come. (NIV) Well; if there is no repentance and seeking of forgiveness; who knows what prayers have not been answered as a result of any lingering unknown sin and unforgiveness. By clearing the table it opens the opportunity for not only your prayer to be heard but also to be answered because it begins with repentance.
3. Thank Him for His Mighty Deeds of Old. Now; by doing this; ‘after’ seeking forgiveness the heart is more pure than it would be doing it before which is why it’s placed third. 1 Thes 5:18 tells us ‘In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you’ so in every prayer giving thanks for His mighty deeds of old is awesome because there is so much to be thankful for. I keep a notebook for each year of blessings and when I enter into my daily prayer time I take it with me and read it because I can see all that He has done for me. The enemy hates it because he of course wants us to forget everything and keep us separated from the Lord. By thanking Him for His mighty deeds of old may be 5 minutes ago or parting the Red Sea; the only concern is being thankful. After all; we are approaching the God Almighty only because He allows us to.
These three vital components of prayer changed my life beyond imagine. Sure there are times when a simple ‘help’ will do although when we understand the opportunity we have to even come before the Lord to pray we can begin to understand His awesomeness. Hopefully too it will help get us to that place where praying becomes more than the 5 minutes per day Americans are known to pray. And my prayer in Jesus name is that as you embark on growing in your prayer life that the Holy Spirit reveals much that will fill your spirit, draw you closer to the Lord; and that it will be done for His name sake. In Jesus name. Amen.
Image belongs to its owner.
First and foremost the devil is a liar. There is no reason that any Believer of God should be operating under the dominion of the devil when he truly has none. We as Believers have all the power and you have the power to destroy the works of the enemy. To God be the glory!
God has given us the weapons with which to fight and when these weapons are used the devil can do nothing against us. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4).
A strongman is the leader of a group of spirits or the commander over a group of spirits operating in the darkness of this world. He is the wicked ruler over every nation, town and family and so long as he can he will. It is time that in your life the strongman is destroyed.
Every strongman in charge of my case and your case too is required to bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ The Annointed One and His Annointing in me so reads the Bible. My faith in God the Source will help me overcome because I am born of God (1 John 5:4).
In the Book of Ephesians 6:2 it tells us that “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darknes of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
The good news is that with Christ we are overcomers and the devil has no power or authority and we can and must pull down strongholds that are operating.
Father in Jesus name please forgive me of my sins. I thank You for Your mighty deeds of old, Your Son and this time to be together.
Father in Jesus name I use the power and authority You have given me to bring down all strongman and his power. In Jesus name I:
- Withdraw the control of my life from the hands and domination of household wickedness in the name of Jesus
- Withdraw my future from the influence and control of household wickedness in the name of Jesus
- Release myself from any unconscious satanic bondage in the name of Jesus
- Reject every demonic power controlling my town and call them all to be paralyzed in Jesus name
- Call forth the hosts of hell against me to break down, in Jesus name
- Command all spiritual vultures wishing for my death, begin to receive the stones of fire now, in Jesus name
- Break all problem with links to my parents in Jesus name
- Break every placental bondage in Jesus name
- Break off every nature of failure in my life and call forth nature of success come to me Now in Jesus name
- Cancel all rejoicing of the wicked over my life in Jesus name
- Loose myself from the bondage of inherited spirit in Jesus name
- Uprooted every evil tree in Jesus name
- Break every inherited sickness and bondage over my life in Jesus name
- Decree every power that has ever done me wrong in the name of Jesus and I issue judgment on the camp of the enemy as written in Psalm 149
- Speak all my oppressors fall by their own counsels in Jesus name
- Command every chained blessing be released to me in Jesus name
- Speak every ordination of paralysis be canceled in Jesus name
- Break and detach every problem attached to my name be revoked in the name of Jesus
- Decree that every evil remote control and spiritual satellites set up against me receive the thunder fire of God and be burnt to ashes in Jesus name
- Decree every strange and wicked voice calling my name be silenced in Jesus name
- Decree the Blood of Jesus wash away every mark of witches, wizards and wicked men from my life in Jesus name
- Speak spirits of envy and strife are removed from my life in Jesus name
Father in Jesus name I decree that:
- You reveal unto me every secret about my life that I need to know.
- Holy Spirit expose everything operating in me keeping me from knowing my life secrets
- I am purged from every spiritual and physical poison through food in Jesus name
- You strengthen me as I stand against faith destroyers in my life in Jesus name
- You increase my wisdom to understand the affairs of my life in Jesus name
- Your fire, thunder, lightening and tempest is upon evil observers of the progress of my life in Jesus name
- Every organ in my body functions properly and in balance in the name of Jesus
- Every problem attached to my name be nullified in Jesus name
- Every attack against my name be nullified in Jesus name
- The veil hiding my evil strongman be destroyed in the name of Jesus
- All blocked ways, paths, opportunities to success are opened in the name of Jesus
- Supernatural favor is upon my life in abundance now and forever in Jesus name
- Supernatural breakthroughs come forth now in my life in the name of Jesus
I thank You Father in Jesus name that:
- The keys to unlock all doors to my blessings all work and the doors are open an I receive in now in Jesus name
- I walk in new discernment of the motives of others
- I walk in new power and authority with the enemy under my feet for all the days of my life
I give You the praise and glory that Your Word will never return void and that it will be fulfilled in my life. I thank You for all this and pray all this in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
We stand in agreement with you as you prayed this prayer.
For more about the 3 components required for every prayer:
God bless you.
Julie Blair Ministries 2019
Father in Jesus name I ask that You forgive me of my sins. I thank You for Your mighty deeds of old, Your Son and this time to be together. And in Jesus name:
I come boldly before Your throne of grace and mercy seeking help in my time of need. From the depths of despair, O LORD, I call for Your help and I thank You that You are with me; and that You hear my prayers in this time.
Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am in distress. My sight is blurred because of my tears. My body and soul are withering away and I am in need for rest that can only come from You.
Do not stay so far from me, for trouble is near, and no one else can help me. Don’t let me be disgraced, O LORD, for I call out to You for help. Let the wicked be disgraced; You are my strength; come quickly to my aid!
In Jesus name, I speak that every spiritual weakness and weariness in my life be removed and replaced with the strength and refreshing from above.
In Jesus name I disannul and cast out any and all spirits that would attempt to oppress and appose me in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, I strip all power from spirits that would oppress me by the Blood of Jesus and I thank You that I walk in the full authority in Jesus name.
In Jesus name I destroy and cast out all spirits of madness, confusion and chaos that would attempt to oppress my mind and cause me to be double-minded and I thank You undertake for me against all my oppressors in the name of Jesus. LORD, You are my refuge from the oppressor and I thank You for victory over him in Jesus name.
I decree in Jesus name that I am delivered from the wicked and all oppressors that come against me and from all my deadly enemies that would surround me in the name of Jesus. I break their assignments coming against me right now in Jesus name.
In the name of Jesus, I break in pieces the oppressor by the Blood of Jesus.
In Jesus name I cast out all spirits of sorrow, sadness and grief and send them to the abyss now in Jesus name. I fill all these voids with Your Truth in Jesus name.
I decree that I am not left to my oppressors because You favor me. I thank You that the proud will not oppress me in the name of Jesus. I am delivered from the oppression of men in the name of Jesus. I rule over my oppressors by the Blood of Jesus. All oppressors are consumed out of the land by the Fire of God. I bind and silence the voice of the oppressor in the name of Jesus.
In Jesus name I thank You that Your word says let not my heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid and so father I rebuke all trouble and fear that would attempt to come upon me and thank You that You care for me.
In Jesus name I takes authority over every principality, every demonic spirit, every spiritual wickedness in high places, and I declare that satan has no power over my life, or anything that pertains to me because the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth covers me. The enemy in my life is rendered helpless, powerless, and ineffective against my life and all that You have for me.
In Jesus name Father empower me to run through the evil troops of this world standing against my blessings. Empower me to leap over the walls of hindrances and obstacles the devil have erected in my way in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Empower me to leap over every wall of limitations and difficulties constructed by the enemy to overthrow my goings, in the name of Jesus
In Jesus name gird me with Your strength in this battle and cut off the enemies of my star as you did when You when you walked the earth.
In Jesus name I speak that every enemy programmed to pull me down be disgraced by his own arrows in the name of Jesus.
In Jesus name I speak that every evil eye monitoring my blessings and my goings be blinded in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ as I am delivered from the violent man in Your hands.
In Jesus name I decree that my feet are planted upon the solid rock of Jesus and that no miry pit can swallow me.
I decree that though I am surrounded by troubles, You will preserve me against the anger of my enemies. You will clench Your fist against my angry enemies! Your power will save me. I thank You strengthen me so that I may mount up with wings of eagles, run and not get weary, walk and not faint.
In Jesus name I decree I will pursue, overtake and defeat the enemies of my breakthrough!
I decree and thank You Lord that You empower me to fly like the eagle over every barrier mounted by these enemies. I thank You that You clothe my enemies with shame and empower me to mount on life with victorious wings in the name of Jesus. May my steps be enlarged in you, that I walk in stability and may my God make me great in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus name I thank You that I can cast this burden upon You. I thank You that You are the One who restores my soul from depression and oppression and no matter what I am going through You will keep me from being separated from You. I ask Lord that You anoint me with Your strength, Your joy, Your peace and Your love. Fill me up with the fruit of the Spirit for I know that greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world.
In Jesus name I thank You that I am not moved, that my eyes remain on You and that You will not allow the enemy to overtake me. I thank You for Your promise to keep me at perfect peace if I keep my mind on You. I thank You Father for strengthening me in the inner man and give me the stamina to continue this race until the end in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
I thank You Father in Jesus name, for hearing my prayer and I thank You for interceding for me. I thank You for the upholding my cause, freeing me and loving me today. I give You all the praise and glory as I pray all this in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
We stand in agreement with you praying this prayer in Jesus name. Do not give up, give in or be moved by anything other than His Spirit!
God bless you
Julie Blair Ministries
For more prayers visit: https://julieblair.com/category/prayer/
As with any new year; it begins a new season. New seasons have different requirements and provisions. There is a time of leaving one season to enter a new one and what is needed in this new season will be different than what was in the past. In praying for the new season it will help you enter in with all that you and the Holy Spirit know you need.
May this prayer for this new year bless you as you go forth in Jesus name.
Father in Jesus name I pray:
– for fresh garments of favor, increase in wisdom, faith and sensitivity to Your Holy Spirit. I pray for an increase in love and compassion.
– that all soul ties to the previous year, old relationships, mindsets, patterns, routines, traditions and operations are cut in Jesus name. I pray for healing of all pains of this past year and that all emotions to those events as they are healed are cut off so I can go forward free of the pain of the past.
– for a refreshing of new mindsets, new patterns, new operations; new divine connections and relationships.
– that You use me mightily in this season to grow Your Kingdom for Your Name’s Sake.
– for an increase and new dimension of faith that will bring forth testimonies for Your Kingdom. (John 14:14)
– that all my provisions are met in this season and I thank You that You are my source. (Phi 4:19) (In this I actually create my new operating budget and bring that forth in petition identifying what those needs are. I also ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything I did not list so that I can bring those items too to the Father. It is going beyond the ideology of ‘God knows my needs’ and leaving the responsibility to Him to do it all just because He knows. Its working ‘with’ Him and the Holy Spirit and opening and keeping the communication lines open.)
– that all projects you want completed in this season to be brought forth. Anything I have set aside be brought back to my memory and revealed along with all the requirements within the project that are needed.
– the grip of the enemy in this season is removed and that he flees in every direction from me.
– that I walk in new authority and identity in You and that what You want accomplished in me, to me and through me in this season is completed for Your Name’s sake.
– in all things I get maximum time with You.
I thank You for this new season and I pray all of this in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.
God bless you.
Whether or not you like our president is not relevant. We are all called to pray for our leaders and the peace of Jerusalem. This country and we in need prayer, must be united and not fall prey to the destruction and division of the wicked and evil one and his agent.
I Timothy 2:1-3 says that we are to pray, intercede and give thanks for kings and all people in authority. This is God’s command to every believer today. Praying for godly leaders is productive toward God’s plan and purpose for our nation. The Bible says the heart of a king is in the hand of the Lord. He can turn it however He wants, so your prayers are important. We must stand in prayer, in unity, and on the Word of God for our president, country and its people.
Pray it in faith, believing, and remember God watches over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).
Father in Jesus name, today we pray for our president, his life and protection. Father we know that there are numerous attempts by the wicked and evil ones to destroy his life and that of his family. We cancel all assignments of early death, poisoning, impeachment, conviction, assignation and all other attempts to remove him from office before Your assigned time. We pray for protection over his security detail, his family and all of his cabinet and ask Holy Spirit You expose any enemy threats within and guide him in wisdom in how to properly handle them based upon Your Word. We bring the needs of our government before You and ask You to bless our nation through godly leaders; and turn the hearts of those who blatantly deny and reject you toward Love. We magnify the Name of Jesus and declare that He is Lord over this nation.
Father, we pray according to 1 Timothy 2:1-3 which says, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.”
We pray, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, for our president, the vice president, all the Cabinet and the chief justice and associate justices of the Supreme Court to receive the wisdom of God, to act in obedience to that wisdom and for the power of God to flow in their lives. We pray that all enemy assignments against them would cease and be canceled in Jesus name. We pray that the judges in office would rule in accordance with Your laws and ways regardless of their political parties and payoffs. We pray that that those who reject your ways and how side with wickedness and evil be removed from their positions in the way that You see fit because You are a just God. And Father we pray you do this expediently so that Your people are protected from any unjust or unrighteous harm.
We pray for the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives to find Your peace and direction, and for these men and women to act and lead according to Your Word. A house divided against itself cannot stand, therefore, we pray for them to be unified in righteousness for the sake of the nation. We pray that all assignments to steal elections, votes and offices not assigned to them be canceled in Jesus name. We pray that You deal with the dishonest, wicked and evil in the way You see fit as You did with Joshua and King David. We rebuke the enemy in his path and all his operating agents, partners and armies. We send back the fiery darts, flaming arrows and break all hexes, vexes and incantations in Jesus name.
We pray for Your protection to cover all our law enforcement officers and the men and women of the military. We ask for godly counsel and wisdom for judges across this land. In the Name of Jesus, We pray that You and Your kingdom of righteousness be manifested in the hearts of all those who are in authority in any way. We pray that honor would fill them and a spirit of excellence in You be what leads them.
Father, Your Word says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem because those who love Jerusalem shall prosper. Lord Jesus, because You love Jerusalem and wept over it, we love it also. We pray for Jerusalem to receive the shalom of God, which brings wholeness—nothing missing, nothing broken. We pray that no leader of our nation will make any decision that will harm Jerusalem in any way and that You deal accordingly with those who are against You. And in the Name of Jesus, we pray that You reveal Your perfect will to all the leaders of Israel. We ask You, Lord, to reveal Yourself to each person. Thank You, Father, for hearing our prayers that are in accordance to Your will. I receive the answers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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God bless you.
The enemy knows how to play games; and create distractions. As Believers we must be on guard; on watch for what they are and how to remove them. Distractions steal much from you and if you are not aware; your life will slip away-one day or conversation at a time. I had no clue how many distractions were an interruption from my life. You see; they became part of my life. How many distractions are such a part of your life that you aren’t even aware of? It’s time for them to go! Try the following to bring forth fruit in your life:
1- Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what distractions you have in your life. What you may see as normal the Holy Spirit can identify as a distraction. When I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal distractions there were a few that came to mind that I had allowed to just be part of my life. For example; social media notifications. I didn’t realize the ownership my phone had of me. When it was revealed not only was it the notification from my phone; but also then how much more time I was giving to review the notifications; in addition to how it impacted how I felt. As a result the enemy stole time, energy, peace and my focus from what I was doing. Sneaky some may say. That is just one example. You probably will have your own personal list for certain. Studies show that people who have notifications on their phone operate with higher levels of anxiety. Why? Because there are times when they can’t take care of whatever the notification is so they think on it until they can. And it may be for hours. Do you honestly have hours to give to thinking about something you can’t do anything about at that very moment? Surely not! Don’t be deceived.
2- Pray offensively. Once the distractions were revealed my prayer life changed. I prayed that the distractions were removed, that the enemy assignments were cancelled, that focus on the Lord would reign supreme. I prayed for my mind, my time, my relationships, my focus, my productivity all be protected. I prayed that only the people He wanted to cross my path would; and that I would be used to be a blessing to them. I prayed for an increase in discernment and wisdom to spot distractions and how to properly respond. I prayed for peace on every side with no enemy penetration; of course in Jesus name. No longer was I going to be a tool used by the enemy for building His Kingdom. No more- and it should be that way for you too! Remember you have the power and authority in Jesus name to remove all distractions; and mountains. You do not have to just ‘accept’ it- no no.
3- Remain diligent and disciplined. When the enemy knows you are onto his tactics; he changes them. That’s fine just wear him out. Should you press in long enough you will get to that point where he flees from you- not you running chasing your tail in frustration while he sits back and laughs. It requires diligence and self- awareness; which is what most people are lacking. Start paying attention! When you begin to see it you will be able to do something about it. Whatever is in the way of your going forward for the Lord is a distraction and you must remain diligent and disciplined; that is your responsibility. Either you can be diligent for the Lord or the enemy; but typically not both at the same time.
One thing I did that helped me was this: I wrote down (because I write) scripture that pertained to where I was in that season. I took a picture of it with my phone and then saved it as my screen saver. This way every time my phone rang and I looked at it- scripture was right there. Yeah take that enemy. Get creative and start seeing and speaking life over you- shut the door to his access. Get disciplined and start with getting it in your mind!
Walking with Jesus is a choice; it’s a lifestyle and I will tell you as I was told- it will be the hardest thing you ever do. The enemy has a plan for your life and it is to completely destroy it and you at all cost. The best news is that you have the power- you do- to stop him!
Start today and see the life change. My life changed when so much was removed. I needed less; and more of Him. When you get there your life, outlook, operations; and expectations will be what they should be in accordance with you being the head and not the tail. To God be the glory!
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I’ve noticed a trend that I have no clue where it started. It’s one that makes no sense that I haven’t found a name other than what it is: manipulation for entitlement. Maybe it’s part of the word of faith movement that started with Kenyon back in the late 1800’s. I’m not sure but it goes something like this:
Someone will read God’s Word and read that God spoke something specific to someone; or someone else in God’s word may be speaking to a group of people and then next thing- the reader claims it for him or herself. You know similar to when an entire doctrine was created based upon Paul speaking to a certain group of people for a certain reason in a certain context. And yet many apply it thinking and making it apply today. No one thinks anything of it; they just live in the bondage it breeds.
I was recently told by someone to follow Joshua 1:1-6 in regards to property. I inquired of the Lord by what authority I would have to claim something that He spoke to someone else in an entirely different time for a specific reason in a specific context that had nothing to do with me then and here is what was revealed that I pray will give you breakthrough:
1- There are many promises in the Bible.
2- There are many promises in the Bible ‘for you’.
3- When you lay claim to something that God gave someone else that you have no jurisdiction to receive He is not obligated to deliver.
4- When you lay claim to something you think you are entitled to just because you want it and add ‘in Jesus name’ at the end of it moves you to a level of witchcraft and usery.
5- When you lay claim to something you think you want because God blessed someone else in the Bible with it- you may be shorting yourself because God may have something ‘better’ set aside for you.
6- When you lay claim to something you think you want and just attach ‘in Jesus name’ at the end without even asking God in the first place He is not obligated to deliver. Refer to John 15:1-7 where he who ‘abides’. Well abide in Hebrew is to ‘dwell’. If you are not dwelling then God is not obligated. It’s about the relationship with the Lord and not your own entitlement.
7- When God speaks a Word to someone or uses someone today to speak a word does not mean it is for every other person who happens to be there. I recall God using me to deliver a word to someone and the person who was standing there also claimed it. I was stumped. How on earth does that even work? And- who gave you such entitlement? The word for that person was based upon a specific context and for someone to just grab it for him/herself is beyond comprehension of the level of entitlement and selfishness. We must stop this and now! Get for yourself what God has for you and stop stealing everything that you think you want and are entitled to that has nothing to do with you! Go with the ‘promises’ He has for you as that is much different.
8- What God has for you is for you- yet if you never grow in that relationship with Him you won’t receive it. You will only be receiving second hand, generational, inherited something or other that while may be good- wouldn’t be ‘all’ that God would have for you.
9- When God doesn’t deliver on what you think you were entitled to that you claim outside of your jurisdiction and ability to receive you have no reason or authority or case against God when he doesn’t deliver it.
So much of Christianity today is based upon a level of getting for self-gain and not the fullness of holiness, repentance, obedience. It is much more carnal, covetness and greed. It is not clear where or when the church was hijacked although what it is clear is that many are being deceived to believe that they are entitled to everything simply because they are. Many have forgotten that God ‘is’ God and that we are not.
Many are leaving the church is perhaps it’s because of what many have been fed. Lies, dishonest gain for selfish pleasures. Things that sound good yet aren’t fully God. It hurts people in the end because they honestly believed and when God doesn’t deliver they blame Him and it’s sad because it’s not God’s fault.
Until we truly grasp the reality of who He is and who we are; and what really we are ‘entitled’ to nothing will change. It will continue to collapse along with the ‘gimme gimme’ yet it’s pretty clear it’s better to give than to receive. Where are the givers? We must understand that we need to get into God’s Word and study ourselves approved otherwise the ensuing calamity will only bring harsher consequences and in the end- it will be just; only because God is a just God.
There are many questions surrounding Tribulation and Christians often ask if they need to prepare and if so what does it look like? I can say without hesitation that yes one must be prepared; as was Noah in his time. He followed the Lord’s command and as a result was prepared. Apostle Paul also warns about being prepared in and out of season.
During the time of Tribulation not being able to make purchases we must have our homes protected so that we are able to endure such time. We should as Believers wait until its too late to begin preparing as we already have examples to follow in God’s Word. The Book of Proverbs provides much for us as we examine one tiny little ant. In Proverbs 6:6-8 it reads,
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
7 It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
8 yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.
The ant demonstrates the ability to think not just about the fleeting moment but rather toward what may be ahead. As such we must as well.
Let’s examine what we may need during the time of Tribulation; knowing that as you pray and ask for the Lord’s leading your list may vary although these may be some foundation items that are necessary.
1- Water. Of course everyone needs water so this goes without say. If you start now stocking up on water then you are set for drinking but what about the rest of your life? What about showering, cooking, or anything else. Don’t you need to be able to flush the toilet so you may need more water? If you have the drinking water do you really want to pour that down the toilet? The large blue containers you can fill up with a few gallons of tap water and then store them in the garage so you have something. You wouldn’t want to store your drinking water in the heat in the garage as it will only take more like plastic than it already does. Berkey water filtration systems are also available for a reasonable price online.
2- Canned goods and Food. Of course you have to eat and because you may not have electricity or know when it will be restored you definitely have to plan. What is your daily food consumption now? How long will the food in the refrigerator and freezer last? How would you prepare it? I was told years ago to take old water bottles and fill them with water but not all the way full and then store them in the freezer for occasions just like this. Perhaps a few MRE’s and other items should be accounted for before it’s too late. Foods high in protein and require no cooking are the most obvious. Plan for additional foods for the children and infants in your family. Not only this; how often do people eat out of boredom? Planning now will help you know what you have so your level of irritability won’t be so high. Rice and beans are obvious options; although they will deplete your water so be mindful of every ingredient needed.
3- Paper items. Toilet paper, napkins and other items are good to have on hand. Because water supply is limited doing dishes won’t be easy using paper products can serve the purpose. If count for how much toilet paper you use per month then perhaps an extra month supply would be good. Obviously if you are single you use less than a family of five; and that is the last thing you want to run out of. One opened item of anything is never enough! If you are the one with toilet paper it too can be used to barter for items you may not have.
4- Protection. It’s wise to be able to defend yourself in all seasons. Keeping current with firearms training and having ammunition is just prudent. My CHL is current and being proficient in using it doesn’t take much time out of my life. It’s just one of those things that is no different than taking care of the laundry. While some may say Christians and Bibles don’t go together; history reveals that our forefathers carried their firearms to church with them. And regardless of who does or does not believe; I will stand protected in the manner in which is most suitable for me. Prayer is obvious although a nice Springfield is something good to have on hand.
5- Toiletries. As I said before an opened anything is never enough. Are you at the bottom of the shampoo bottle? Last roll of the toothpaste? What then? Relying on others may not be the wisest choice; time to start walking in a new level of prudence. How terrible would it be to not be able to brush your teeth for a few days or weeks?
6- Lighting. Candles of course can work just great; but how many would you need to use for light and warmth? When I look around my home I see 30ft ceilings which means all the warmth going everyone else except to me. I would need to get creative with where I would spend my time because I obviously don’t want to waste my candles. My personal idea is pretty simple. My bathroom is a decent size and is closed in so it would make the most sense to set up shop in there. I would set up an air mattress in the bathtub and that room would be the warmest with less heat escaping. Sitting on the air mattress also gets me off the floor. Because my dining room, kitchen, living room; and bedroom all have windows using candles simply would not be the best option. Additionally; any light that is viewed from the outside can cause you to be a target from the undesireables. GE sells the LED lanterns that take D batteries so for 20 bucks I have light and with my candles have warmth. Don’t forget the matches or lighters. I have a fireplace that was one thought although the bathroom would still provide better options for longer warmth. Start looking at what you have and what you can do with what you have; and how to make what you have fully operational when you need it.
7- Pet food and supplies. You can’t let your pet go hungry now can you? Of course mot! The Olive needs her food too. How much does your pet consume daily? What about flea, tick or heart worm medicine? Having these items on hand will only help you better protect your animal. Perhaps a few extra treats or raw hide bones would serve as a distraction from the situation. You may also think about a dog sweater or sweatshirt. While most with the purse dogs spend more on these items; your lab or Great Dane deserves one too!
8-Prescriptions. While it’s easy to call the pharmacist to place the prescription order on most days; during Tribulation that option won’t exist. Not only this; you most likely wouldn’t have phone service to make the call or be able to get to that location to purchase it. Having enough supply on hand is wise as you would have to have your mother or child suffer those consequences!
9- Extra glasses or contacts. If it’s dark and you lose a pair of glasses now you are stuck. Stuck using your light to go search in the cold of the night to find them when if you had an extra pair in an easy to find location you would be just fine. This is one thing on my list without a doubt! I’ve never lost a pair but that doesn’t mean an extra pair wouldn’t be beneficial. I’m also learning that too many things that can be done tomorrow can wreck havoc on it too!
10- Blankets. If you happen to be like many bachelors you may just have your sheet and comforter that you sometimes use; or even perhaps you have the old quilt from someone years ago. Having enough blankets to keep you warm is a definite! If you hold up in one room you can always use one at the base of the door to keep any heat from escaping. My favorite is my down comforter; although I have two other bed sets and numerous other blankets that I have picked up along the way. This one item that can definitely serve it’s purpose. Of course if you have the sleeping bag that you use for those hunting excursions those will work just fine.
11- Generator. Sure you may not want to spare the expense of a few hundred bucks and no one blames you. For those who like to really be prepared it may be the best way to go. While others may be suffering; those with the generators wouldn’t lose any power so perhaps it is something to consider.
While we know God always provides and He did so for the Israelites; although they were traveling. Many today will not be and will need enough to care for themselves. It is up to each of us to get with the Lord and inquire what He knows you need. We can learn in scripture in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 that a man who doesn’t work doesn’t eat; and one who doesn’t prepare now probably will starve during Tribulation.
So long as you start now in building your faith, your time in His Word; and your relationship with Him you will survive. The time now that you have must be spent with the right mindset for a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Remember that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy and any way he can deceive you he will. Do not be deceived but rather be strengthened in your faith, in your mind and in your body so that you can endure to the end and be saved as Jesus says.