Fail-Proof Ways to Keep Your Joy
Looking around society there is so much angst and things to be unhappy about. The political climate in America is not a funny joke, the church has lost it’s power; families are splitting at higher rates and the racism and hatred of one to another seems to be increasing at an all time high. Some may ask what is going on and others how to fix it; while still others get mad and angry. As such keeping your joy must be a priority. There are fail-proof ways to keep your joy that are rather simple.
It’s been said that joy simply put is Jesus Others You so by putting this in motion you will keep your joy from season to season without fail.
1. Forgive. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to genuinely do and not doing it only breeds all things that steal your joy. In Acts 3:19 we are told to ‘repent and seek forgiveness, so that times of refreshing may come.’ (NIV) Within this the identifying factor is what takes place after repenting and forgiving. It’s the refreshing may come. By living in forgiveness not only will you continually be refreshed you will also be operating at a level it keeps the door shut to the ploys of the enemy. Bottom line if you want to keep your joy start forgiving.
2. Take Every Thought Captive. The moment you think on things you need not think on; is the moment that the enemy takes over. It’s something as simple as worry, doubt, dread, or even lustful thoughts that can ruin a moment, a day; a year or even your life. The Word gives us instructions for how to train our minds and in fact we are told to ‘renew our minds’ which is a clue that it obviously can be done. Proverbs 23:7 tells us ‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.’ It’s hard to have and keep your joy if you are thinking only on the things that steal it!
3. Tame your Tongue. This one is probably the most challenging; especially when social media is so readily available to share all your opinions that you ultimately may regret later. Psalm 34:13 tells us essentially how to speak in these simple words: “Keep your tongue from evil, And your lips from speaking deceit.” (NIV) If only our politicians could grasp this concept! The words you speak will bring either life to death to you and those around you so make sure you take the steps to keep your joy by speaking life.
4. Surround Yourself with the Right People. The people you surround yourself makes all the difference. If you want to get where God wants you to be; then most likely it will require a change. See; it’s hard to go and grow in the Lord when surrounded by people going nowhere. It’s said no more clear than this: “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” (Pro 13:20) If you want joy go with the company that has it and will do anything to keep it!
5. Say Bye to Bitterness. Bitterness is spiritual poison that rots the bones. No wonder why Hannah in the book of 1 Samuel didn’t get pregnant until after she dealt with her bitterness! Her bones were rotting! Bitterness breeds and will only leave you empty; and most likely alone. Let it go and be restored in joy. If you aren’t the bitter one but those around you are; then ask yourself why you accept less than what you are worth and get your joy!
6. Remove Distractions. Life is full of distractions. Sports, television, social media, politics; can all become distractions if you aren’t careful. If you truly look at every minute of your day where are they going. You only have 1440 of them to spend and if they are going to distractions most likely they are sucking your joy right with them. Don’t let the distractions become your priority as your relationship with Christ will suffer as a result. Remove the distractions and take authority of your time and life and you will be amazed to how much you can live.
7. No more Negativity. There is enough to be negative about in life and the moment you accept it; you will feel it. Negativity is known to breed into the mind and hence the emotions. Negative people speak and do negative things. Think about that; how many happy people purposely go do negative things and how many negative people find enjoyment in positive things? When you remove the negative you may be left with a gap so ask the Lord to fill you with joy; overflowing with abundance. Life is too short to follow and accept anything negative as it’s an open door for the enemy to wreck havoc in all the other areas of your life.
In the end; whether or not you have joy is based upon the choices you make. There will always be an opportunity to not be joyful; but only if you allow it. As you become aware of what and who in your life brings what then you will be in a better position to close or open those doors. It’s truly up to you though and it starts with a focus on Jesus Others You.
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Perhaps you have noticed; time appears to be moving at a quicker pace. It starts with one day, then the week is gone; the weekend was much to short and next thing you know it’s July. Christmas is only 146 days away by the way. In 6th months snow in most places will be on the ground; signifying a new year and the preparations for yet another Superbowl. In just 6 short months. If I had only 6 healthy months to live I would….
Spend all my time tell you just how much Jesus loves you. I would share with you that in the end nothing else matters. Your bank account, your student loans, your in or out-laws, doesn’t matter. The small stuff people sweat isn’t worth the sweat. What you are wearing right now is perfect. Stop living according to other people’s expectations and ideas; just live. I would tell you that your hips are fine and so is your comb-over. Your life matters right where you are. Are you making the best of it or have you actually no thought of it?
It was just yesterday I had a conversation with a friend and asked her about her desire to live in California. I asked her if she had 6 months left to live if she would move to California. She had all the reasons why she couldn’t and ended with ‘well; I have more than 6 months so it doesn’t matter” which I must admit caught me off guard. None of us know how much time we have left so to assume is where we get lost in the mix.
6 months from now is January 25th. None of us know where we will be then much less tomorrow so I ask you: what would you do if you only had 6 healthy months left to live?
As I said I would share the love of Christ with every person everywhere; and I would do it from a beach without a doubt. I would sell everything I own and watch the sunset with my pug Olive and probably facebook live all day and night; telling you about how Jesus changed my life, about how when I was 5 right after I was adopted that I prayed that Jesus would be my escape. I would share with you that Jesus made the way for my rent to be paid for 10 months straight when my income didn’t cover it. I would share with you that He already has made the way for you too. He loves you. I would not care of I wore the same thing every day or if I didn’t shave my legs in an even path. I wouldn’t care if I even went 5 days without washing my hair. I just wouldn’t. The time spent washing and drying and styling is not as important as the Truth that shall set you free. So why not focus on what is actually important? I would tell you about my darkest days of being alone, the struggles of singlehood and just how much Jesus carried me and loved me along the way. And how much He is there waiting and wanting to do the same for you.
I would eat Trader Joe’s peanut butter cups and peanut butter and jelly chocolate bars with a glass of milk. I would enjoy a glass of chambord and cranberry and prime rib. I would see the birds and all the pennies on the ground. I would notice the stars and not complain about what the past was like or that it was too hot or humid; because at least I am alive to experience it. I would roll in the sand and not worry about it itching my toosh; because that too would pass. I would simply live and pray that you too would do the same-perhaps once in your life. You- would be able to live.
I would tell you that the things you fuss over aren’t fussy worthy. In the end it’s just a phone, your bad hair day isn’t bad because at least you have hair, the traffic you are sitting in is just more time to look up at the sky and see God right in its midst. The worry about losing likes or fan isn’t going to change the value of who God created you to be or how much He already loves you.
I would see life in a way that I never have before; that in it’s shortness of breath to make each moment count because this really is all you have. The climbing of ladders and over people too won’t matter much on January 26th; so what are you doing? Are you going to climb that fourtneener you have dreamed of? Go to the racetrack and actually race a car instead of watch? Eat that and not this; and enjoy every bite? Or are you going to be a stick on a log and just die before your time?
Are you perishing for and over meaningless matters instead of seeing the seascapes of what it’s truly about? If nothing else just for a moment and stop. Stop. Stop what you are doing and reflect for a moment. Just one and look around. And breathe. And allow the Lord to speak.
In that breath what do you see? What do you hear? What do you hope for? What are you pursuing that matters? I recall the day sitting on the beach at the Gold Coast in Australia listening to a client tell me he wanted nothing more than to be a gym teacher all his life; but he never pursued it. He climbed the corporate ladder and had all that it showed in the physical; beautiful home on the beach, 3 months paid vacation- and the emptiness inside of great regret. I shared with him that He didn’t have to live in regret because Jesus paid the price. He could be free and you too can be free. Freedom isn’t so free when you have to finance it.
If you had only 6 months left to live what would you do? Where would you be? What would be most important? Why not make those things the most important now while you still have the chance; and if for any reason God grants you life longer than 6 months you will have more than you could have ever dreamed of to share with those whom will come after you.
You would hate to think that you have anything longer than this moment when we can all look around and see where we are. It’s time to do something about living otherwise there won’t be any living at all.
So with 6 months left (although there may be more) I leave you wanting you to know that Jesus loves you, that you are worth more than you will ever know, that your dreams and all the good inside of you needs to be shared with the world; that now is the time to share. There is a purpose and one created special just for you. I leave you knowing that fat or skinny embrace yourself; hairy or bald embrace yourself, short or tall- embrace yourself; blue collar or white collar embrace yourself. Man or woman embrace yourself. Just embrace yourself. And above all let Jesus embrace you and you. And then share what it feels like.
And then share with me too as I want to hear!
Julie Blair is President of Julie Blair Ministries that helps people worldwide grow in Christ. To learn more about going deeper in Christ or to have Julie speak to your church or business visit
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Forgiveness is limiting. It limits everything in your life; your mental state, your emotional state, your health, opportunities. It limits everything It’s time to unlimit God through forgiveness.
When you forgive you are releasing everything good in your life to enter; which makes sense because it’s God who withholds no good thing. It’s us that blocks him from releasing it through disobedience in unforgiveness. It is sin that is the deadbolt to bondage. And now it’s time for you to break through and remove all limitations that unforgiveness has had on you.
You see; we all are faced with the choice to forgive. People hurt us. Things in life happen and it’s what we do when those hurricanes of life storm through that will have all the impact on everything in your life. Even Peter knew that forgiveness was something that needed to occur otherwise we would not read in Matthew 18:21 ‘Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” And wasn’t it Peter who walked on water?
If you want to go higher and deeper with the Lord; forgive. Clear the path. Move the mountain. Stop limiting God by being unforgiving.
Today’s Scripture
Philippians 4:13 ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’
Forgiveness Tip #1
You actually can forgive. You just need to align your mind to believe it. ______________________________________________________
Watch Living in Forgiveness nightly at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork.
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It’s time to get ready for bikini season; and most hit the gym. Actually; more people join gyms in March than other month although starting now is a great time. The best way to lose weight is to forgive. After all forgiveness is the greatest weight loss and cheapest face lift.
I didn’t really know just how much extra weight I was carrying with me; all those pounds of resentment, bitterness, anger, and you probably don’t either. If you have back pain or arthritis it has an impact. Brittle bones; yep that’s unforgiveness tied to the bitterness. You see; when unforgiveness is released everything that is tied to it is too. And what does that mean? Weight loss!
What’s fascinating isn’t just the internal clutter tied to forgiveness; but rather the number of people on medications for mental health issues. Did you know that 70% of Americans are some form of medication? ( When we examine this fact alone; it tells us that we have a larger issue at hand. You see; when you cover something up with medication you are not actually dealing with the issue at hand- the issue is still there. Your depression will be released! Your joy can be restored and the fog removed. Forgiveness will bring your joy back in the name of Jesus. Not only this; the added weight from the side effects of the medication are just added pounds no one needs. (And no I am not saying drop all your medication- talk to Jesus about that!) Oh- and when you forgive your relationship with Jesus changes which of course is the best part- and that alone is freedom! And if you have ever noticed how free people can jump and run; and skip and smile- look around. You will see it. And that is yours for the taking!
When we get to the root issue and actually look at what it is in full detail then we have something to work with. If the issue is within; which most of the time it is because how can it not be. What is inside is reflected outward. It’s time to get real and get with the One who is the Healer, the Redeemer, The Miracle Worker; and stop running. Is it an issue of stress? Hypertension, Arthritis, Resentment, Bitterness, Fear: of change, letting go, moving forward, living, failure, success, abandonment, rejection, you aren’t enough; Panic, anger, divorce, marriage, no children, too many children- or combination of a few? All of this and more will complicate your life and steal years from it. No amount of cover up can truly bring forth a fountain of life. It just can’t!
When you get to the place of being sick and tired of being sick and tired your life will change. I had absolutely no idea what internally was growing and breeding in the depths of who I am. None. I had absolutely no clue how to truly forgive. None. Church told me to forgive but not how so I was faced with doing something I really had never done before. I did it. And I had no clue just how much every single aspect of my life would change; and how much weight I would lose. None.
And so if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired you are in the best place you could ever be in. This means you are ready for change. You are ready to let go and move on. You are ready to drop the pounds and start living your life; the real life God intended from the very beginning. You are ready to take back the power that you gave to others by saying no more poison are you going to accept.
It’s time for you now to experience weight loss internally and externally once and for all and for all the days of the rest of your life. That is what happens when you forgive. Going through the full process of forgiveness is literally a death; which would make sense because God’s Word tells us in order to live for Him we must die to self and that’s exactly what happens. You are no longer who you were. You cannot be!
If you want to experience true, genuine weight loss with no artificial ingredients, needles or weight gaining side effects then forgive. Go before the Father and share with Him everything; go find that mountain top. Let Him carry you while your transformation takes place; and the pounds are released. Let Him be the One who does a new thing in you so that you can be lighter, more filled with Him; and live your real life experiencing God in ways you never could before. Do it today as the season for the new you is waiting.
For more about forgiveness and freedom in Christ watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ weeknights on the UANetwork.
To have Julie speak at your church or business visit
In today’s society people pride themselves on being busy. Seriously; they do. Think about how often you speak of all the things that are keeping you busy. And through it all you are that much more important right? But here is the thing. Busy is a trap: Bound Under Satan’s Yoke. It’s time to break out of the prison. And now while you can.
The first step in even getting there is to recognize that being busy actually does put people in prison. Think of all the things that must get done; and how many of them are truly in need of getting done. What percentage would you say? 100% of course because you are in control and know all; you are the omnipotent one right that can handle it all. Yes you- are the hero! But get this; it’s only in your mind that you are.
If you were to remove just one item how much more time would you have? If you were to allow one person to do just one thing that needs getting done how much more peace would you have? If you were to pray two more minutes of prayer each day how much more wisdom would you grow into? If you were to make one change in your life how much better would your marriage be? Your business? Your employees? Your health? Your relationship with Jesus? How much? Count the cost of that and then calculate the cost of staying the same.
When you see it life will change. I too was locked up; in my mind. I didn’t know it. I didn’t know that all the running around was only keeping me out of breath; busy and in the end- tired and useless. You can’t be fruitful and busy at the same time because only one produces fruit. It was a process because I was able although just because you can doesn’t mean you should- do it all all the time that is.
So what do you do? How do you get out; break free? You make a choice. You go to the One who came to set the captives free for you are already free you just have to live free. And really; don’t think that you can do it on your own because if you could have- you would have known better than to get yourself there in the first place.
Your life is a reflection of the choices that you have made. Perhaps it’s time to start making new ones.It’s time to get a grip and be the one who is leading and not following the way. Don’t forget that Jesus was counter-cultural so if you claim to follow Him; don’t worry about being just that. It comes with the territory! And remember that it’s just as easy to create good habits as it is bad ones. So don’t let the bad ones exist just because you choose to not make good ones; you know the ones that keep you busy forever missing the actual life you were meant to live. Forgive yourself because if you don’t- you will only change your prison cell.
For more about freedom in forgiveness watch ‘Living in Forgiveness’ weeknights at 9:30pm CST on the UANetwork.
Forgiveness and unforgiveness are a part of life. There is no doubt at some point in your life you will be faced with a decision: to forgive or not to forgive. And as such; regret will be a factor in that decision. Regret can serve as an impediment to the level of forgiveness a person is able to receive and give. Regret of not spending more time with your family, putting your career first; not making the big play; or simply not giving your all can wreck havoc on your life. You can overcome regret to receive forgiveness in full.
How does regret play a part in your life in forgiveness? 3 simple ways:
1. Regret keeps you suffering from past mistakes. 2 Corinthians 7:10 tells us, ‘For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.’ People make mistakes. We all do. There was a time in my life where I knew I was forgiven; yet when certain things were brought up I felt an instant level of regret. I knew I was moving forward and didn’t understand how if I were forgiven I will still suffering. See; I didn’t at the time know that regret was like the virus scan program operating in the background of my life. Even though I was drawn to my savior Jesus I did not know regret was still an issue. Once I understood the impact of it- my life changed! It felt like I instantly lost 20lbs. I didn’t need to suffer any longer. And neither do you. Forgiveness took it all away. What a revelation!
2. Regret keeps you focused on yourself. Similar to shame; regret keeps you focused on what you could or should have done. Yes; sure you know someone forgave you yet you haven’t fully received it. Why? Because your regret keeps you continuously thinking and reliving what you could or should have done or not done to change the situation that has already taken place. Your focus of thought impacts every area of your life- and those thoughts first impact you. When regret is the main focus your life will not be free. Isa 43:18-19 “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” When you are focused on the mistakes you have made you are not 1) focused on the things above, 2) moving forward, 3) living in the forgiveness bestowed to you. Your focus is disallowing you to be. Your focus on you is your biggest problem. When I was faced with the mistakes of my past I knew I was forgiven; yet I was more distant from the Lord and couldn’t figure out why. Regret. Simple as that. My regret kept me focusing on me instead of the Lord and the blessing He gave me in the gift of forgiveness. Is it the same for you?
3. Regret disallows forgiveness to flow. Regret is an obstacle; a hindrance to the flow of forgiveness. It is like the dam that blocks the river waters. Forgiveness is there; but it can’t fully operate because the level of regret is too high. It doesn’t allow you to see what you have been given, that the mistakes of the past are not to be lived and relived. The past is gone; but a thought of yesterday. If you harbor it- it will hinder you and ultimately will kill you. If someone forgave you; why then would you allow regret to enter in and steal it? That is like leaving your door open for someone to rob you all the while paying for a wonderful insurance plan. And who does that?
It took me many years to realize that regret was in my way. Sure I knew forgiveness and its impact; but not much about the hindrance of regret. If you are struggling with regret of your past; whether it’s for cheating, having an abortion, drunk driving, bullying another person; or whatever single thing you have done I encourage you right now to let it go. You cannot change what you have done. You can’t. What you can do is forgive yourself and move on. Your life is too precious and your future is worth more than the regret of the mistakes you made that you have already been forgiven for. Don’t let it eat up years of your life like I did. It simply is not worth it.

The new year brings many resolutions. Lose weight, be nice; clean out the clutter and the list goes on. The one resolution that should be part of your new lifestyle of the new year is simply this: forgive. Make a life of forgiveness your new years resolution. It’s that simple. Just do it!
Why? If you want healing then forgive. Healing comes through forgiveness. Restoration can come through forgiveness. Weight loss is spiritual terms comes through forgiveness. Broken hearts too are healed through forgiveness. In my case; my eye color changed through forgiveness. Blessings come through forgiveness.
If you are living in lack currently there is a reason and it isn’t because everyone else isn’t nice or giving to you. There is a reason. It may very well be that you are living in unforgiveness. Make today the day and this moment the moment that you seek Him to know the truth; ‘ is there any unforgiveness in my heart Lord?’ And then don’t forget about bitterness, resentment and anger as those also cause havoc on the life of a believer.
Regardless of what someone else has done to you; you are stronger forgiving than you are unforgiving. Don’t let the mistakes of other keep you living last year. Start the new year fresh and forgiving! It will change your life and what better way to start the first day than that!

The holidays bring cheer for many; however, there are those that detest them and for good reason. That was me. Holiday forgiveness was something that I definitely was in need of. I had the wrong perspective, attitude and heart toward them. I was hurt and my hurt kept hurting me. Is this you? Is it time to see the holidays through other lenses? Do you need some simple holiday forgiveness to set you free?
Let me share. The holidays are a time for family; sure we can agree. When you don’t have that you can focus on that and be down as most people tend to get. For many years I was down. I was out. I was bloody pathetic. I also worked in the mall and hated all those happy families buying all those gifts. I hated it all. I loathed Christmas. I’m just being honest. I was alone and I let everyone know my pain just seeking an ounce of pity; which just revealed how utterly pitiful I really was. I saw what I didn’t have and that became my focus. Are you letting it become yours? It will if you let it.
As the years went by I became accustomed to being alone on the holidays. I started watching people with their families and then it hit me; so many are faking it! I saw it. As I saw that I was shocked as to how many people started sharing their stories of the holidays and how blessed I was to be alone! Who would have thought being alone could be a blessing? The more stories I heard the more I saw them different. The more drowning in sorrows the others were that I hadn’t seen before. If you are alone have no fear- there are wonderful things about being alone on the holidays! Just ask one person shuffling through the mall or the grocery store and look at the exasperation covering their faces and you will see. It will take less than a minute.
The most ironic thing was that after being alone I met my biological family. I was introduced to entirely new traditions with an entirely new family; that was my own family. Live through that! They are amazing people without a doubt it was just a transition going from one family and their traditions, to just me and my own; to something entirely different with other people. But such is life. Holiday forgiveness.
As I started studying the Bible and the real story of Christmas I experienced yet another change. The truth opened my eyes to what people are blinded by. The tree, the lights, the gifts, the time of year Jesus was born compared to what is celebrated. Christmas then became something I had no interest in celebrating. Why would I? It’s not even Biblical but shhh….. don’t tell anyone. Or perhaps you already know. I reflected back on the first time a Jejhovah Witness told me that he was just lucky I didn’t have a baseball bat as I really did just want to hit him; but that is how religion blinds people from the truth. It bound me. But the best news is that Jesus didn’t die so that I could have a religion! Then I learned something else that was surprising! Did you know that Christmas used to be outlawed in America? Yes. It was considered an introduction to gluttony therefore it was outlawed. I started seeing Christmas and the celebration entirely different. If you do your own research you may too. Again; holiday forgiveness.
And today marks yet another holiday season where I am not making 9 different types of candy and 15 different kinds of cookies for 150 people. It marks another year where I am not frantically freaking out over what to buy someone who won’t even appreciate it. It marks another year where I am able to celebrate the day in peace and quiet and not live in debt or expectation of being what others believe I should be because they haven’t yet done their research. And I must say there is freedom in that. Holiday forgiveness.
So if you are feeling lonely or down and out; let it go. Forgive those who have passed on in your life for not being there to celebrate with you. Forgive yourself for trying to live up to expectations of those who aren’t even enjoying what they are trying to live up to. Forgive the stores for manipulating you into buying into all the shopping. Forgive your religion for continuing to perpetuate a lie that has kept you in bondage. Holiday forgiveness.
Celebrate the holiday season as one. One person you are with an impact. One person you are with a mission. One person you are with all the time in the world to celebrate a day without any interruptions with Jesus because most are too busy celebrating church. One person you are who has the power to create and mold your special day to be whatever you want. One person you are to get that jump start on your next dreams and goals. One person you are to see that one day out of the year that people freak out over is not worth it. One person you are with the ability to a blessing to those who need you. One person you to celebrate holiday forgiveness.

Forigveness is hard. Forgiveness of self for most is even harder. We all make mistakes. None are immune. Perhaps you are one who had an abortion, perhaps cheated; or even scammed employees out of their retirement. None of this? Maybe you killed someone while driving drunk or just murdered someone in a gang bang or drive by. Regardless of the mistakes you have made; there is hope and a future for you. The impact of self- forgiveness is something unimaginable until you have truly been there.
It’s not about just reciting a bunch of affirmations to say ‘I forgive myself’ and yippy yay. No. It is much much deeper than this. It is about the revelation and acceptance that 1) you make mistakes, 2) ‘How did I not know better’ will keep you in bondage, 3) ‘If only’ is a lie and trap, 4) you can and will move forward in life. The impact you will have after the fact will not only change you; but those around you and those around them and those around them.
It is hard to grasp at times what we as people do. Some things are harder to grasp than others. We all can look back on our lives and probably find something to regret- but why? It will keep you only replaying it day after day. Regret should have no part of your future. Forgiveness of self though should.
You are you right where you are although the question is: is it the real you? Are you really the you that your Creator intended? If you are harboring self-unforgiveness for the mistakes you have made you are not living. You just aren’t. You can’t. You are not living as the you that you were created to be. And isn’t it time?
Isn’t it time that you let go of the shame of the past? The condemnation and guilt? The regret? The embarrassment? The loss? The lack and all that comes with it? Isn’t it time to stop living in diminishing returns to get to your real life- the one that is and has been waiting for you?
You can have peace. It’s yours for the taking. It’s been there. Victory is yours all you have to do is fight to get to it; not for it. What are you waiting for? One more mistake to make so that you can fulfill your self prophecy? That doesn’t make sense. You were created for much more than that. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. Make today that you forgive yourself so that you can see that. Make today the day that you disallow anything to come upon your life that is a lie. Make today the day that you start living as you were created to be. You will be overjoyed that you did.

The past is gone. It’s passed. Whether it’s five minutes ago, five days ago, five weeks or months or years ago; the past is gone. You can either be thankful or remorseful; but whatever you are about it does not change the fact that it is gone. It is time to forgive it or yourself for continuing to allow it to become your present and the future you live.
You see; we all have a past. There are many things about the past that change our lives and the changes that we allow those things to make is up to each of us. What are you doing with your past? What seriously are you doing with it? It requires an introspective look because forgiveness of it is required for freedom in future. The last thing you want to ever do is allow something from times ago to become what you see and live now.
If you are still looking at your life through the rear view mirror ask yourself why. What is it about your past that you think will bring you what you are truly seeking? What can it possibly bring? It can’t bring back that skinny figure. Nope. It can’t bring back the popularity you once had. It can’t bring back those who have passed on. It can’t bring back what once was. It just can’t.
What the past can bring if you let it is unforgiveness, bitterness, bad memories, judgment, shame, guilt, sadness, fear of success and failure; and a life you don’t want. If you don’t lay it down it will become and so will you; something that you don’t want to ever become. It will consume you if you are not walking toward your future free of the disease of unforgiveness.
How do I know? Personal experience. I was the kid who looked like a boy until 10th grade. I was the kid with the weight problem; I couldn’t gain it. I was the kid beat up by my adoptive parents and then was then bullied in school. I was the homeless kid at age 15 who was called a band fag because I played clarinet. I was the smart geeky kid who wasn’t popular. I was the hurt one who only knew how to carry that and that my friends; is what I did. And that is how I know the consequences.
I’ve learned many more lessons that I care to admit and I share them with you so that you can get around the mountain in less than 40 years. If I can help you at any moment live in freedom of forgiveness my days work is finished. How am I doing? Are you there yet? Just know that forgiveness is there. It’s for you. Your future is waiting. Forgive the past and run; don’t walk to the glorious future waiting to hug you!