Knowing and growing in Christ as His follower is truly a privilege that must not be taken lightly. Join Dr. Julie daily as she shares Holy Spirit led messages to help people come to know Christ. She knows the heartache and pain of overcoming many struggles and how to  apply God’s Word to live in the solutions it provides. 

Listeners who tune in to “Living in Forgiveness” quickly learn that Dr. Julie’s unique and blunt delivery of Truth in love brings people seeking transformation and freedom a way out; whether from religion, self; or other worldly bondage. Many who have never heard a message of the love of Christ come to receive His love.

Each message is created to equip newcomers and the mature alike for living in these times so they are able to stay standing and be standing on the last day. 

It is an testimony to the Lord that in the first year of “Living in Forgiveness”  radio 302 Muslims gave their lives to Christ around the world.

 “Living in Forgiveness”

Airtime Schedule

Testimonies for the Lord!


“Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” (Luke 8:39)


Dear Radio Life Host Julie, Superb shows on Radio. I believe God has way for everyone. We are in Nigerian village listening your shows and God is working in our lives. Thank you for taking care of us.

George, Nigeria


Dear Host Julie,What a lovely show on Radio Life. Your shows give me new life as I was totally depressed and want to quit. One day I listen your show where you teach about God’s love for this world. It was amazing that How God love this world and me and What a pity that I want to quit. Thank you. Please help me to study the Bible and send me Bible. Thanks

Mohalla, India


Hello Radio Life and Julie,Today I listen your show, it is good one. keep it up, you guys are awesome. Preaching through new technology wow. God bless you. Will keep you in our prayers.

Pastor Stephen, UK 
